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British cunts abroad

camberwell gypsy

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​Exactly, go to the expense and hassle of going abroad then go there and do exactly what they do at home, retarded cunts.

And the first thing they do when they land is look for a British pub and somewhere to get some fucking fish and chips.

Or an Irish pub, don't get me started on those bastards.

They got one of those here. No self respecting Padraig would ever go to these as they're full of fucking Brits talking about their grt, grt, grt, grt grandfather who may have been Irish and how they feel at home here. Dont start me off either.

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They got one of those here. No self respecting Padraig would ever go to these as they're full of fucking Brits talking about their grt, grt, grt, grt grandfather who may have been Irish and how they feel at home here. Dont start me off either.

Sounds like an Irish bar in New York 

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Guest judgetwi

So let me get this right. You went to Lanzarote , laid on the beach wearing a rugby shirt and then seem disappointed that you were surrounded by Chavs? I'm sorry, but what the fuck did you expect? You can't dine at the Cafe Royal if you only have lunchoen vouchers.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Sounds like an Irish bar in New York 

​Is there such a thing as an American American?

They all seem to be Afro-, Irish-, Scotch- (?), Italian-, Polak-Americans...

No fucking history them cunts, except for trying to genocidally remove the Native Americans from the face of the earth by injecting influenza into blankets... most members of the McDonalds Scottish Clan Association are yanks... no self respecting scot goes near it...

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Guest nobgobbler

Didn't the McCann's try that?

​Here's hoping they don't know where you live Drew. Start signing all your wealth over to your kids now just in case.

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a handy hint we found as brits abroad is to brush up on your german language skills and prepare to be pleasantly surprised at the superior service,attention and respect you receive !

​Me and the wife visited Capri once, her family come from Naples so we took a couple of days out on the island. Got off the ferry, hired a car and hopped into the nearest hotel, the receptionist looked at us with a reserved sort of smile and said politely "deutsche?" I said "no, she's italian and I'm english. Got any rooms for a night or two?" 

Never seen anyone change their attitude so quickly. She was absolutely beside herself, apologising almost to the point of supplication that she had even thought we might be krauts. After getting us some complimentary drinks, she showed us up to a fantastic suite and informed us we could have it for as long as we liked on the standard double-room rate and they would be pleased to include tonights dinner. 

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Guest DingTheRioja

​Me and the wife visited Capri once, her family come from Naples so we took a couple of days out on the island. Got off the ferry, hired a car and hopped into the nearest hotel, the receptionist looked at us with a reserved sort of smile and said politely "deutsche?" I said "no, she's italian and I'm english. Got any rooms for a night or two?" 

Never seen anyone change their attitude so quickly. She was absolutely beside herself, apologising almost to the point of supplication that she had even thought we might be krauts. After getting us some complimentary drinks, she showed us up to a fantastic suite and informed us we could have it for as long as we liked on the standard double-room rate and they would be pleased to include tonights dinner. 

​The Ities don't like the krauts... the Greeks both love and hate the krauts, no idea about the spanish since I daren't broach the subject whenever I am near Geurnica.. just in case...

French despise anyone so the krauts are automatically on the list...


..just picking up on the usual holiday destinations...

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Guest judgetwi

​Me and the wife visited Capri once, her family come from Naples so we took a couple of days out on the island. Got off the ferry, hired a cararrow-10x10.png and hopped into the nearest hotel, the receptionist looked at us with a reserved sort of smile and said politely "deutsche?" I said "no, she's italian and I'm english. Got any rooms for a night or two?" 

Never seen anyone change their attitude so quickly. She was absolutely beside herself, apologising almost to the point of supplication that she had even thought we might be krauts. After getting us some complimentary drinks, she showed us up to a fantastic suite and informed us we could have it for as long as we liked on the standard double-room rate and they would be pleased to include tonights dinner. 

​Good one. I was once pulled over by two coppers in some poxy town in the Czech Republic for driving in a bus lane. They only looked about 16 but they had big guns on their hips and they were fucking nasty. They were pointing at the sign and screaming at me and calling me a fucking cunt in Serbo-Croat, or whatever fucking lingo they speak. It was obvious they had taken an instant dislike to me and were going to hammer me with one of those on the spot fines. Fucking bastards. However, i handed over my passport and everything suddenly changed. One of them said...."Englander.....i thought you were German." They were all smiles and politeness, shook my hand and waved me on my way. Fucking result. Of course the Czechs have good historical reasons for hating the Herrenvolk. Mind you that wanker Chamberlain sold them down the river but, thankfully, they seem to have forgotten that.

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Guest JackoTC

​The Ities don't like the krauts... the Greeks both love and hate the krauts, no idea about the spanish since I daren't broach the subject whenever I am near Geurnica.. just in case...

French despise anyone so the krauts are automatically on the list...


..just picking up on the usual holiday destinations...

​Me and the wife visited Capri once, her family come from Naples so we took a couple of days out on the island. Got off the ferry, hired a car and hopped into the nearest hotel, the receptionist looked at us with a reserved sort of smile and said politely "deutsche?" I said "no, she's italian and I'm english. Got any rooms for a night or two?"

Never seen anyone change their attitude so quickly. She was absolutely beside herself, apologising almost to the point of supplication that she had even thought we might be krauts. After getting us some complimentary drinks, she showed us up to a fantastic suite and informed us we could have it for as long as we liked on the standard double-room rate and they would be pleased to include tonights dinner.

​We often go to a mainly German resort in Melonaras. Its immaculate, the staff are fantastic, as are the waiters etc. We are lucky (????) as we have Gerry friends and can speak a little ourselves.They charge you an arm and a leg for it though. I'm not a fucking snob as you know, but I could get a holiday a few miles away in Playa del Ingles for a quarter of the price. But I enjoy getting fucking toasted, making a cunt of myself in loud drunken German, and have everyone badmouth the sausage suckers, thinking me as one of them. (must be the toothbrush moustache from when I was a Sparks fan) 

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Guest DingTheRioja

On Crete I was in some resort, a few villages strung along a nice beach, we, obviously, were at the "English end"... fairly normal, not too "piss-heady"... Mrs D & I drinking cocktails, had quite a few that night, went home half pissed, next day we went for a long walk to see what was down the far end cos we'd seen some signs changing from english to english & german... got to the end.. nice cafe on the rocks overlooking the bay........... cocktails... same price.... had a couple... half-cut after 3... 4 was going some and the 5th fucked us over...

Not the watered down shite they serve to the english down "our end"... must have been half a bottle of spirits in them fookers each...

Needless to say we seemed to stay down the kraut end most of the time.. better food, better drinks, better service and when the krauts were pissed they tend to "handle their drink"...

I can't stand wankers who get blathered so they can't stand up on purpose... and ONLY want to be blathered.. the means and fun getting there doesn't enter into their tiny fucked up heads..

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​Good one. I was once pulled over by two coppers in some poxy town in the Czech Republic for driving in a bus lane. They only looked about 16 but they had big guns on their hips and they were fucking nasty. They were pointing at the sign and screaming at me and calling me a fucking cunt in Serbo-Croat, or whatever fucking lingo they speak. It was obvious they had taken an instant dislike to me and were going to hammer me with one of those on the spot fines. Fucking bastards. However, i handed over my passport and everything suddenly changed. One of them said...."Englander.....i thought you were German." They were all smiles and politeness, shook my hand and waved me on my way. Fucking result. Of course the Czechs have good historical reasons for hating the Herrenvolk. Mind you that wanker Chamberlain sold them down the river but, thankfully, they seem to have forgotten that.

Going by that programme the other night on what the czechs did to ethnic Germans after the war, if they'd thought you were German they'd have beat the crap out of you, shot you in the back and then get some cunt in a lorry to run over your legs.

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​We often go to a mainly German resort in Melonaras. Its immaculate, the staff are fantastic, as are the waiters etc. We are lucky (????) as we have Gerry friends and can speak a little ourselves.They charge you an arm and a leg for it though. I'm not a fucking snob as you know, but I could get a holiday a few miles away in Playa del Ingles for a quarter of the price. But I enjoy getting fucking toasted, making a cunt of myself in loud drunken German, and have everyone badmouth the sausage suckers, thinking me as one of them. (must be the toothbrush moustache from when I was a Sparks fan) 

Very much the nearly man, Jackie. Champagne taste.. beer money.... fat wife. 



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Guest Lady Penelope

​Good one. I was once pulled over by two coppers in some poxy town in the Czech Republic for driving in a bus lane. They only looked about 16 but they had big guns on their hips and they were fucking nasty. They were pointing at the sign and screaming at me and calling me a fucking cunt in Serbo-Croat, or whatever fucking lingo they speak. It was obvious they had taken an instant dislike to me and were going to hammer me with one of those on the spot fines. Fucking bastards. However, i handed over my passport and everything suddenly changed. One of them said...."Englander.....i thought you were German." They were all smiles and politeness, shook my hand and waved me on my way. Fucking result. Of course the Czechs have good historical reasons for hating the Herrenvolk. Mind you that wanker Chamberlain sold them down the river but, thankfully, they seem to have forgotten that.

​I do look at bit "foreign" to some .. the ethnic Romany does show up and I can look a bit "eastern". The "right bit of documation" can have the strangest of effects about 30 years ago I was returning to dear old blighty via Dover when I was pulled to one side to have the works done on my luggage and doubtless to be frisked .. one had started on my luggage and the other was checking my documentation when he noticed my railway pass .. "Oh you work for the railway! .. Dave put her stuff back  in the case!". Dave duly repacked my case and I was sent on my way. Of course as was traditional for railway employees I had a good supply of ciggies at the bottom of my case for reselling when I got back home.


Edited by Lady Penelope
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Guest JackoTC

Very much the nearly man, Jackie. Champagne taste.. beer money.... fat wife.




​Spot on Franco - but I'm happy. And readies just burn a hole in my pocket.

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​I do look at bit "foreign" to some .. the ethnic Romany does show up and I can look a bit "eastern". The "right bit of documation" can have the strangest of effects about 30 years ago I was returning to dear old blighty via Dover when I was pulled to one side to have the works done on my luggage and doubtless to be frisked .. one had started on my luggage and the other was checking my documentation when he noticed my railway pass .. "Oh you work for the railway! .. Dave put her stuff back  in the case!". Dave duly repacked my case and I was sent on my way. Of course as was traditional for railway employees I had a good supply of ciggies at the bottom of my case for reselling when I got back home.


My grandparents worked for the railway throughout the war.. both based at Euston. I still think of them almost every day. Nan would pick me up from school on Wednesdays in her beige Aquascutum overcoat. We'd go to Selfridges to buy the best marbles... clearies, shooters and onionskins. 

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​Spot on Franco - but I'm happy. And readies just burn a hole in my pocket.

'Fat wife' That was too rude of me.. although close friends should always speak the truth. I would never have left Aña May if she hadn't become so fucking fat. Such a sweet face. 

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Guest DingTheRioja

Mrs D is slightly on the dark side, full northern blood for generations, but dark hair and tans well... usually if we are in Greece, Spain or Italy, after a few days, (getting the colour scheme sorted) in the cafes she tends to get asked what she wants in the local lingo, they igore me being 6' tall, blonde haired and blue-eyed... although in boxheid-land, and ocassionaly Greece, they tend to speak to me in kraut...

The Greeks often thought she was one of them, and I often wonder if, when she hits 65, she will suddenly get a foot shorter, 4 stone heavier, take to wearing a black bedsheet and walking round with a straw laden donkey...

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Guest JackoTC

'Fat wife' That was too rude of me.. although close friends should always speak the truth. I would never have left Aña May if she hadn't become so fucking fat. Such a sweet face.

​Indeed. But I am one of the few that would not take offence at your caustic comments. By way of apology, I shall allow you to buy me a refreshing gin based cocktail in the near future (I think I can get you in the Battery Club if Ming dresses you).

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​Indeed. But I am one of the few that would not take offence at your caustic comments. By way of apology, I shall allow you to buy me a refreshing gin based cocktail in the near future (I think I can get you in the Battery Club if Ming dresses you).

Tonight Jacqueline I'm at Ronnie Scott's... Marlena Shaw. Wonderful. I started with Côte-Rôtie for lunch and I'm fucking smokin in my Kilgour blue. Some lingering looks from the mature ladies. Shame Ming's with me... the mis-hog. 

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My grandparents worked for the railway throughout the war.. both based at Euston. I still think of them almost every day. Nan would pick me up from school on Wednesdays in her beige Aquascutum overcoat. We'd go to Selfridges to buy the best marbles... clearies, shooters and onionskins. 

Was the bearded hag losing her marbles ?

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