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Guest nobgobbler

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If I'm being perfectly honest and objective, I don't live in an area that has a high influx of people from overseas. Fuck me, it was like the martians had landed when Gino ginelli first appeared in the corner shop (which is not run by Asians). So what I'm saying is, I might have a different opinion on immigration if I lived somewhere that has truly been affected by it. I'd like to think not, but who can say. I'm certainly not so sure in my convictions that I'd hysterically call a UKIP voter in Burnley a racist, as I haven't had their experiences. It's a contentious issue and obviously a hot topic in this country, but I'll stand by my comments that immigration, of hard working, contributing people, is an asset to this country. I don't care where anyone comes from, or what they look like, as long as they work, pay in and truly integrate into our society.

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Guest DingTheRioja

If I'm being perfectly honest and objective, I don't live in an area that has a high influx of people from overseas. ................and truly integrate into our society.

​..and therein lies the rub...

​As the old saying goes, there's lies, damn lies and then there's statistics. I am not a fan of the EU because it is undemocratic. If cunts think we are having a true in/out referendum in 2017 then they are deluded. All we will get is a vote on a renegotiated treaty. The hidden hand of vested interest does not want the UK plc to leave the EU and so that is all there is to it. 

​Dont forget that rictus faced cunt of a labour war-mongering wanker voluntarily gave up 10.4 billion of our rebate from 2007 to 2013.... 10 fucking billion.. ours.. voluntarily...

The whole concept of contributions was set up when we were the 3rd poorest member, but we would have been paying more than Germany if the formula had been stuck to without the rebate... 3rd poorest paying by far the most.. ....really?

FUCK OFF!!!!!!!

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  • 7 years later...
1 minute ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Thanks to the numerous dirty cunts arriving on our shores it is looking likely that inhabitants of Kent will need a diptheria vaccine to go with all the other kids chemistry set chemicals that UKGov insist people get administered.

I hate repeat bollocks as much as the next man, but why have you dredged up a seven year old thread by some barely literate, dead northern whore?

You brain dead fucking wanker.

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On 19/05/2015 at 09:01, Guest DingTheRioja said:


When quoting people, please make sure that they know what the fuck they are talking about...

France somehow pay 965 billion towards our rebate of 3.6 billion?  On a total budget of 129 bn..?


....and further down that page...

The irony!

Stay the fuck dead, Ding.

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On 13/05/2015 at 16:22, Bill Stickers said:

Yet another Cunts Corner thread about to descend into the usual boring UKIP rhetoric. 

I didn't come here for partisan political discussion, I came here to nominate the various cunts I meet and have to endure day to day.

Fucking do one.

Reported. Rule 10 violation, you, hopefully dead, cunt.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

I hate repeat bollocks as much as the next man, but why have you dredged up a seven year old thread by some barely literate, dead northern whore?

You brain dead fucking wanker.

Have you ever heard of current affairs?  According to the media diptheria is ripping through some migrant centres so don't be too fucking surprised when this starts to be transmitted through the local populations in Kent, you kunt.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Have you ever heard of current affairs?  According to the media diptheria is ripping through some migrant centres so don't be too fucking surprised when this starts to be transmitted through the local populations in Kent, you kunt.

I mentioned Thabo Mbeki in an offhand comment eight years ago. If he did anything of note tomorrow, I wouldn't go back through the archives and resurrect some shite I'd said nearly a decade ago.

Put some fucking effort in, you lazy Burke and Hare cunt.

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10 hours ago, Decimus said:

I mentioned Thabo Mbeki in an offhand comment eight years ago. If he did anything of note tomorrow, I wouldn't go back through the archives and resurrect some shite I'd said nearly a decade ago.

Put some fucking effort in, you lazy Burke and Hare cunt.

Oh I am sorry. It's just that I use the search function to see if there's a previous suitable nom. that I can tag current opinions to so I don't look like one those retards that live in a bog. D'ya kno wot I mean, like?

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6 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Oh I am sorry. It's just that I use the search function to see if there's a previous suitable nom. that I can tag current opinions to so I don't look like one those retards that live in a bog. D'ya kno wot I mean, like?

Perhaps you should try and use the search function by utilising your fingers, instead of your thick, furry, nicotine stained tongue.

That way you may have found a recent, relevant thread that wasn't posted at the same time that you had your last bath:



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