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the racists are at it again


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Guest DingTheRioja

Wow! Fuck! You lot are in for a bollocking when Cuntspotter starts his shift. He doesn't like nasty comments about Jews.

​Don't see much nasty stuff being posted... at least 95% of what's gone on this thread, more or less, "facts"...


I can do the same for just about every race/religion going... WASPs included, which is technically what I am, except I don't beleive in pixies or other such shit..

....except of course, who runs the banking system and at least half the media (hollywood and TV included)...


This isn't an anti-semitic rant.. it's an anti-cunt rant... because I hate everyone equally...


Prejudist does not equal racist.

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Guest JackoTC

I realise that starting a sentence with "I'm not antisemitic, but...." normally means that, actually, said fucker is probably part of an SS death camp reenactment society. So I won't start off like that, because I am genuinely not racist in any shape or form. Some of my early work on here directed towards Londonm was purely intended to wind the Palestinian hater up. However, I do wonder why for thousands of years, and in all of the hundreds of societies they've lived among, Jewish people have been vehemently hated. Not just hated, but persecuted and killed. It doesn't matter what time period or country, the result is always the same. The only common denominator are the Jews themselves. In my mind their society is completely unexclusive, borderline xenophobic towards gentiles, and has an ingrained custom of non integration. If you're a small, homeless and scattered race, its not a good idea to go around the globe with a superiority complex. Your fingers will eventually get burnt which is what has happened to the Jews time and time again.

​I'm saving up to become one.

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Guest judgetwi

As usual another disgusting stinking pile of antisemetic horseshit for which this site is infamous. Even the Ratsfuhrer's nasty little brain has told him to stay away from this crap. Nothing but myths, half truths, made up statistics, downright fucking lies and a grasp of history that even a retarded child would be ashamed of.. Even Dr. Goebbels wouldn't have  had the bare faced front to come up with this unadulterated propaganda. Rule number 9 says something about not promoting racist material. Don't make me fucking laugh please! Try finding shit like this on the BNP site........it ain't fucking there, for very good reasons. If anybody on Admin is looking for an appropriate logo for this site may i suggest a swastika and the legend "Juden Raus!"

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I'm sorry Judgiepoo's, but pulling the antisemitic card out just doesn't wash anymore. Its been used time and time again to stop any criticism of Jews or Israel. Its people like you who help to foster hatred and antagonism towards Jews by the hysterical and blinkered use of the antisemitism card anytime the J word is mentioned in a negative light. Inciting racism is one thing, but discussing the FACTUAL history of Jewish persecution and speculating as to its reasons is something entirely different. Untwist your knickers and fuck off to another thread to whine about Eastern Europeans stealing whatever minimum wage jobs you are competing for this week.

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Guest DingTheRioja

As usual another disgusting stinking pile of antisemetic horseshit for which this site is infamous. Even the Ratsfuhrer's nasty little brain has told him to stay away from this crap. Nothing but myths, half truths, made up statistics, downright fucking lies and a grasp of history that even a retarded child would be ashamed of.. Even Dr. Goebbels wouldn't have  had the bare faced front to come up with this unadulterated propaganda. Rule number 9 says something about not promoting racist material. Don't make me fucking laugh please! Try finding shit like this on the BNP site........it ain't fucking there, for very good reasons. If anybody on Admin is looking for an appropriate logo for this site may i suggest a swastika and the legend "Juden Raus!"

​Oi fuckwit?  Can't you read?


My post is "anti-banker", with a side of "historically money lenders were often Jewish, everyone hates the thieving bastard moneylenders" and a  helping of "did they get tarred with the same brush" question...

Considering some of the shit you come out with, it's a bit rich...

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As usual another disgusting stinking pile of antisemetic horseshit for which this site is infamous. Even the Ratsfuhrer's nasty little brain has told him to stay away from this crap. Nothing but myths, half truths, made up statistics, downright fucking lies and a grasp of history that even a retarded child would be ashamed of.. Even Dr. Goebbels wouldn't have  had the bare faced front to come up with this unadulterated propaganda. Rule number 9 says something about not promoting racist material. Don't make me fucking laugh please! Try finding shit like this on the BNP site........it ain't fucking there, for very good reasons. If anybody on Admin is looking for an appropriate logo for this site may i suggest a swastika and the legend "Juden Raus!"


​There are times Judge, when you simply talk out of your arse, although your rants and the formulation of them amuse me.  I've had to pull you up for suggesting death to gay people in the past, so I'll let you have your 30 seconds on this thread, which, as far as I'm aware doesn't promote racist material whatsoever, au contraire, the impression I am left with is that I feel upset that there is not more integration of the Jewish people and Muslim people et al!  Mind you, I do recall when being a practising Catholic, going to Catholic school, and mixing with Catholic people, and now as a lapsed Catholic, I mix with other lapsed Catholics and Christians.  Life's a funny old fucker, and if we are not permitted to observe these issues and speak about them, i can't see any change for the future.  I think gay people did themselves a great service when they persisted in integration and equality, and I mix with many gay people, yet you hate them.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

​There are times Judge, when you simply talk out of your arse, although your rants and the formulation of them amuse me.  I've had to pull you up for suggesting death to gay people in the past, so I'll let you have your 30 seconds on this thread, which, as far as I'm aware doesn't promote racist material whatsoever, au contraire, the impression I am left with is that I feel upset that there is not more integration of the Jewish people and Muslim people et al!  Mind you, I do recall when being a practising Catholic, going to Catholic school, and mixing with Catholic people, and now as a lapsed Catholic, I mix with other lapsed Catholics and Christians.  Life's a funny old fucker, and if we are not permitted to observe these issues and speak about them, i can't see any change for the future.  I think gay people did themselves a great service when they persisted in integration and equality, and I mix with many gay people, yet you hate them.

Agreed, another typical hysterical reaction to any debate about other races or race issues. All religions and races have some total cunts within them. It is a fact of being human and it is in our instinct to survive that we do not trust that which we do not know orunderstand.

To sweep any inter racial issues under the carpet for the sake of political correctness is avoiding the issue and that is much worse. The consequences of which we are seeing right now in this country.

It is my right to offend and to be offended. It is your right to respond and possibly offend me. To remain silent on any issue is much worse than speaking out.


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Guest DingTheRioja

He's a mouthy cunt that one...  possibly blamed for some of the riots....


"Black Activists Rising Against the Cuts "...

Fuck me.. try having a Whitey Activists No Likey Austerity Committee and see how far you get...


.....needs a bricking this one...

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He's a mouthy cunt that one...  possibly blamed for some of the riots....


"Black Activists Rising Against the Cuts "...

Fuck me.. try having a Whitey Activists No Likey Austerity Committee and see how far you get...


.....needs a bricking this one...

​Never heard of him.  Does he wear a beret?

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Guest judgetwi

​There are times Judge, when you simply talk out of your arse, although your rants and the formulation of them amuse me.  I've had to pull you up for suggesting death to gay people in the past, so I'll let you have your 30 seconds on this thread, which, as far as I'm aware doesn't promote racist material whatsoever, au contraire, the impression I am left with is that I feel upset that there is not more integration of the Jewish people and Muslim people et al!  Mind you, I do recall when being a practising Catholic, going to Catholic school, and mixing with Catholic people, and now as a lapsed Catholic, I mix with other lapsed Catholics and Christians.  Life's a funny old fucker, and if we are not permitted to observe these issues and speak about them, i can't see any change for the future.  I think gay people did themselves a great service when they persisted in integration and equality, and I mix with many gay people, yet you hate them.

​Presumably these gaylords aren't overweight. This from the balanced mind which dreamed up "Jew rhymes with poo".

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Guest DingTheRioja

It's a spectacularly bright and sunny Spring morning here, a gentle breeze, a fine haze in the distance in God's Own Acre....

...where we quite happily co-habit with all of God's creatures, black men and white men, jews and gentiles, catholics and protestants.... but the judges and bankers can fuck right off!


And you can fuck off, you rampant homophobic hypocrite.

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I'm sure Hitler would have been right up your street, Judge. He was a hypocrite and he wasn't too fond of homosexuals. Or Eastern Slavic Europeans, who consequently died in far larger numbers than the Jews killed during the war.He would have got your vote wouldn't he you disgraceful cunt?

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​Presumably these gaylords aren't overweight. This from the balanced mind which dreamed up "Jew rhymes with poo".

​We all have our pet hates Judge.  Being fat is indicative of being lazy, feckless and greedy.... and Jew does rhyme with Poo, and my perception of Poo is a positive one, I even choose to have it in my name!  You're not gonna win this Judge so calm yourself down and think on.

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