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Being fucking moderated.


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I also contribute to other sites and absolutely I have had posts removed. Sometimes I can probably understand why, other times it's bloody irritating because I can't see what was so bad about what I said. The reality is that the mods have to make a decision based on how they see it at the time, there's no point in whinging about it.

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19 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

I also contribute to other sites and absolutely I have had posts removed. Sometimes I can probably understand why, other times it's bloody irritating because I can't see what was so bad about what I said. The reality is that the mods have to make a decision based on how they see it at the time, there's no point in whinging about it.

I think you guys are taking this all a bit seriousley, though. Fair enough the picture had to be removed, but I'm pretty sure about 90% of the posters here are just taking the piss and not genuinely moaning.

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1 hour ago, Admin said:


As many of you know, when the moderating was left to myself and Mr Cuntspotter, my laissez faire approach allowed too much explicit content to remain and we were advised to remove certain types of contributions if we still wanted to remain live. 

I do contribute to other sites, more mainstream, where many of the discussions and debates hosted here would not last long before being chopped. I enjoy the discussions and the assorted views that I read,  (this was the main reason for my membership here 6 years ago). I want debate and discussion, whether I agree with the points put or not. Mrs Roops and Rick_B do not remove things simply because they disagree with the sentiment.

I don't make the laws relating to decency and hate that exist in the UK plc and I leave it to Mrs Roops and Rick_B's longer experience of moderating to decide what is acceptable. I deal with the finances with my co-owner, (which Mrs Roops and Rick_B do not see) so there can be no conflict of contributors buying favours.

As for the baby doll with claret and nails, I am personally a bit desensitised to this sort of thing having seen dead children in my profession , so I don't find the doll offensive, as with many of the things that get removed, but there are limits to what our licence permits acceptable. Mrs Roops and Rick_B have no say in this, so please don't direct your ire towards them. If our licence gets pulled, nobody will host us and that will be it.



In your profession! What, are you a grave robber? 

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2 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I think you guys are taking this all a bit seriousley, though. Fair enough the picture had to be removed, but I'm pretty sure about 90% of the posters here are just taking the piss and not genuinely moaning.

The people who take this all too seriously are the bruised egos who in a fit of pique make out that posts are deleted on a whim. That's certainly not the case. Our criteria is to prevent trouble before it happens rather than wait for complaints to be made against the site. Its no good saying things were "wilder in the old days". When The Corner broke away from Holy Moly only 5% of households were connected to the internet. Things are clearly different these days. Anyone who thinks the site can't be closed down are living in a dream world. We've seen too many competitor sites taken down (DSMO being the most obvious). Its worth noting that removed posts account on average about 0.5% of the total (up to 1% in a bad month) so maybe the stomping of feet and tantrum throwing is OTT in the grand scheme of things.

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27 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

The people who take this all too seriously are the bruised egos who in a fit of pique make out that posts are deleted on a whim. That's certainly not the case. Our criteria is to prevent trouble before it happens rather than wait for complaints to be made against the site. Its no good saying things were "wilder in the old days". When The Corner broke away from Holy Moly only 5% of households were connected to the internet. Things are clearly different these days. Anyone who thinks the site can't be closed down are living in a dream world. We've seen too many competitor sites taken down (DSMO being the most obvious). Its worth noting that removed posts account on average about 0.5% of the total (up to 1% in a bad month) so maybe the stomping of feet and tantrum throwing is OTT in the grand scheme of things.

What the hell is Holy Moly? Or DSMO for that matter? Are you even talking to me or am I just being used as a soap box?

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8 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

What the hell is Holy Moly? Or DSMO for that matter? Are you even talking to me or am I just being used as a soap box?

DSMO, Don't Start Me Off. It was a site similar to this that got fucked over by an ugly bird called Mary Beard with the help of the BBC, the renegade members now exist on 'The Mocking Shop' site.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

The picture was not offensive.There has been tragedy involving the death of a baby in my family and most of the people I know involved have seen the picture and do not find it offensive. It was a picture of a doll. If people cannot differentiate between reality and plastic then how can they tell the difference between "a clit and a pile" (Derek and Clive)?

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Guest Alfie Noakes
3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The people who take this all too seriously are the bruised egos who in a fit of pique make out that posts are deleted on a whim. That's certainly not the case. Our criteria is to prevent trouble before it happens rather than wait for complaints to be made against the site. Its no good saying things were "wilder in the old days". When The Corner broke away from Holy Moly only 5% of households were connected to the internet. Things are clearly different these days. Anyone who thinks the site can't be closed down are living in a dream world. We've seen too many competitor sites taken down (DSMO being the most obvious). Its worth noting that removed posts account on average about 0.5% of the total (up to 1% in a bad month) so maybe the stomping of feet and tantrum throwing is OTT in the grand scheme of things.

After a word from admin I get the reasons things can be pulled. I have always got that. It comes across as a bit random when certain brony keith things were a lot worse and I am still wondering what was the reasoning behind removal of the aforementioned picture. If it was a real baby of course. If I stab an Action man in the face and took a picture with some pun relating to stabbing pain or something would that come down too as it would offend someone in the military? Both are dolls!

Now I will move on as this is boring me now as it must be all of you and they have at least answered most of my questions. Still a bit fucking shizoid though!

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Guest Alfie Noakes
5 hours ago, Roadkill said:

What the hell is Holy Moly? Or DSMO for that matter? Are you even talking to me or am I just being used as a soap box?

Holy Moly was a site dedicated to celebrity news, cunts corner and the heroes of modern life were parts of it.

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1 hour ago, Alfie Noakes said:

After a word from admin I get the reasons things can be pulled. I have always got that. It comes across as a bit random when certain brony keith things were a lot worse and I am still wondering what was the reasoning behind removal of the aforementioned picture. If it was a real baby of course. If I stab an Action man in the face and took a picture with some pun relating to stabbing pain or something would that come down too as it would offend someone in the military? Both are dolls!

Now I will move on as this is boring me now as it must be all of you and they have at least answered most of my questions. Still a bit fucking shizoid though!

Yes, even if we can't all agree where it is, there's a line. Now, get over it. :)

FWIW, I don't for a second believe it's "personal" and I have no problem with moderator discretion being applied in such circumstances. I do wish there was more latitude to rip into newbies early doors, especially when they are obviously partaking enthusiastically in the slagging themselves, and - like others - I can't  fathom why we can call each other every name under the sun except for "paedo", or why making reference to the fictitious family members of fictitious users on a site called Cunts Corner is such a big deal. I guess my own opening line pertains..

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Guest nobgobbler
11 hours ago, Eddie said:

I could do a lot if I had a little money. Do you know I Googled my name followed by nett worth and the result said 1.7 million. Fucking joke.

That trumps my 58p. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
16 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

That trumps my 58p. 

That's all Trump is worth after that last tax return isn't it?


As for moderation, there is a fair degree of variation in the standards being applied, that's the only thing that ever bothers me about moderation, the rest (on a site called CC) is simply a game, push, prod and poke, if you get caught then it's simply because you lost that day, none of us died, most of us will be back a few days later to start again.  Unles you're totally fucking stupid.

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Guest Lady Penelope
10 hours ago, Rick_B said:

I also contribute to other sites and absolutely I have had posts removed. Sometimes I can probably understand why, other times it's bloody irritating because I can't see what was so bad about what I said. The reality is that the mods have to make a decision based on how they see it at the time, there's no point in whinging about it.

People need to substitute the word annoying for personal and leave it at that.

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Guest Lady Penelope
1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Yes, even if we can't all agree where it is, there's a line. Now, get over it. :)

FWIW, I don't for a second believe it's "personal" and I have no problem with moderator discretion being applied in such circumstances. I do wish there was more latitude to rip into newbies early doors, especially when they are obviously partaking enthusiastically in the slagging themselves, and - like others - I can't  fathom why we can call each other every name under the sun except for "paedo", or why making reference to the fictitious family members of fictitious users on a site called Cunts Corner is such a big deal. I guess my own opening line pertains..

I don't think that 'eavens" is a newbie ..  just one these "hello" cunts that visit from time to time.

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Guest Lady Penelope
11 hours ago, Admin said:


As many of you know, when the moderating was left to myself and Mr Cuntspotter, my laissez faire approach allowed too much explicit content to remain and we were advised to remove certain types of contributions if we still wanted to remain live. 

I do contribute to other sites, more mainstream, where many of the discussions and debates hosted here would not last long before being chopped. I enjoy the discussions and the assorted views that I read,  (this was the main reason for my membership here 6 years ago). I want debate and discussion, whether I agree with the points put or not. Mrs Roops and Rick_B do not remove things simply because they disagree with the sentiment.

I don't make the laws relating to decency and hate that exist in the UK plc and I leave it to Mrs Roops and Rick_B's longer experience of moderating to decide what is acceptable. I deal with the finances with my co-owner, (which Mrs Roops and Rick_B do not see) so there can be no conflict of contributors buying favours.

As for the baby doll with claret and nails, I am personally a bit desensitised to this sort of thing having seen dead children in my profession , so I don't find the doll offensive, as with many of the things that get removed, but there are limits to what our licence permits acceptable. Mrs Roops and Rick_B have no say in this, so please don't direct your ire towards them. If our licence gets pulled, nobody will host us and that will be it.



Hosters can be very touchy .. for a while I ran a none-believers site .. a few fairly mild (to me) comments got posted about the "religion of peace" that I failed to spot and would have pulled had a spotted them .. the host closed my site down.

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The people who take this all too seriously are the bruised egos who in a fit of pique make out that posts are deleted on a whim. That's certainly not the case. Our criteria is to prevent trouble before it happens rather than wait for complaints to be made against the site. Its no good saying things were "wilder in the old days". When The Corner broke away from Holy Moly only 5% of households were connected to the internet. Things are clearly different these days. Anyone who thinks the site can't be closed down are living in a dream world. We've seen too many competitor sites taken down (DSMO being the most obvious). Its worth noting that removed posts account on average about 0.5% of the total (up to 1% in a bad month) so maybe the stomping of feet and tantrum throwing is OTT in the grand scheme of things.

Load of bollocks 

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