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Cunts Who Cycle Everywhere in Top Gear


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I keep seeing these idiots out on the road, straining to turn the pedals and travelling about one lamp post per revolution, whilst veering all over the road through the sheer effort. The concept of gear ratios is obviously beyond their mental capacity and as such they should be made to walk. Cunts.


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My old dear insisted on riding around in third gear with her Sturmey Archer set up when doing her rounds years ago. I tell her this is why her knees are fucked, but she's having none of it. She says it was due to kicking the shit out of me when I was at junior school and acting like a cunt.

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"Biopace" chain rings were all the rage when I did a lot of road cycling. As I recall they were a load of shit.

I reckoned on a speed average gain of about 2 MPH .. not worth the extra pain they ended up inflicting on my knees.

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Evan worse are the wimminz who pedal along in the easiest gear, getting nowhere while woblling around, obvioulsy shit scared of everything aroud them. Get the fucking bus you cunts, it's safer.

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... AND the aerodynamic skinny little Twiglet runts, in lime-green fluorescent Lycra, wasp-goggles and fucking Predator helmets... Or the flash cunts on mono-cycles, juggling 28 fucking milk bottles with one hand, along the M25.

Or the middle class fuckwits who tow their brood on a trailer in busy traffic with a silly fucking flag attached to make drivers aware.

(apologies to any middle class fuckwits on here)

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... AND the aerodynamic skinny little Twiglet runts, in lime-green fluorescent Lycra, wasp-goggles and fucking Predator helmets... Or the flash cunts on mono-cycles, juggling 28 fucking milk bottles with one hand, along the M25.

Oh for the days of some natty umbro striker shorts, a pair of green flash or at a push some stan smith adidas and tank top by greenwoods topped of with an ever so slightly risque m&s beret in misty cerise.

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Guest cuntcrapper

I hate all the cunts, obsessed within their own little cretinous worlds of meaningless statistics. Hogging narrow roads, whilst pulling gurnesque grimaces as they fuck everyone up. I pray I'll see one smash head on with an approaching juggernaut around a blind bend and see their scrawny, turkey like bodies pulped in a lycra lasagne all over the road. Hopefully near home, so I can return to see the Crows gobbing up the miniscule remains of their miserable, cunted cadavers for a few days and pour weedkiller over the flowers on the fuckers 'road side' shrines, that their fuckwit chav relatives erect...

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Cyclists should not be on the road because they don't pay road tax. Warning to all cyclists: Don't start an altercation with me, 'cause I am willing to end it rapidly and with extreme violence.

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Guest cuntcrapper

There was a good quiz question back in the late 80's viz;


Q: Whats black and rusty and chained to some railings in Canterbury?


A: Terry Waites' bike.


Bearded Cunt

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and what about the cunts who padlock the fucking things, to lamp-posts & railings and any other fucking thing without paying fucking all. Some even take their wheels into the office, leaving the fame chained to a fucking pensioner who was simply waiting for a bus.

They should be 'CLAMPED' or have their poxy contraptions fucked off to the scrap heaps...


That fucking happened to me Jazz. I had a fucking nod off on my scooter pissed up on a Sunday arvo after a few too many at the boozer and woke up tethered to some cunts fucking pushbike. I spewed in the cunts helmet and smeared shit all over the cunts front and back wheel dropouts before popping his fucking tyres. Have fun changing that cunt. I then used a rouge cock hair to pick the lock and made my fucking getaway laughing manically at the thought of the cunt having to deal with that all for being a dumb cunt. 

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