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Russians on holiday


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What a bunch of ignorant cunts they are with their ordering everyone around and expecting them to be at their beck and call  - and they used to be such nice quiet people before all that glasnost shite - but common as muck these days.

That stalin and brezhnev would have had none of this nonsense and  given thatcher and reagan a fucking good twatting in the bargain make no mistake - but oh no .... along comes gorbachev and starts selling off council houses , importing tetley bitter , privatising ice cream vendors , taking our hardworking porn stars jobs , cutting off our gas and electricity , stealing the moon [they will you know .. they will!] and fuck knows what else. So now we get  the fuckers largeing it  all over the place from one holiday destination to the next [and mrs kurtz tells me you can't fucking move in primark for them]

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Guest cuntcrapper

Vot a load of crappings, Russki's are very hard working billionaires, who just happened to be in zer right place ven piss-head Boris voz giving away all ze mineral right (not left), for aid in keeping up Naina's shoe collection (bledding malienka svinya). Ve now have ze Londongrad and zer Chelski to putting in of zer trophy cabinet in ze Kremlin da! You also like to fuck ze women from Ukraine - so do ve, but aftervoods we fineesh wiz zer tanks da.

Zer common slav pleb is a zer niet horoshaw, cos zey don't earn enough rubles to make it worth rogering zem, so ve come to Engliski land and buy all zee houses and zis vun everzing else Komrad. Vlad Putin is not ze old fashioned KGB verker, niet! he has ze 2 billion dollars in ze nett verth - Ochin horoshaw da!


Ay uknem you Engliski Cunting of head and Fuck ze EU for ze bank robbery of ze rubles in Cyprus last year. Ve vill nuke ze Bruxelles and make zem pay dear viz blood vun day Da and vait till you see vot our Mafia is like coz zey are coming - Boca Boca.

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Vot a load of crappings, Russki's are very hard working billionaires, who just happened to be in zer right place ven piss-head Boris voz giving away all ze mineral right (not left), for aid in keeping up Naina's shoe collection (bledding malienka svinya). Ve now have ze Londongrad and zer Chelski to putting in of zer trophy cabinet in ze Kremlin da! You also like to fuck ze women from Ukraine - so do ve, but aftervoods we fineesh wiz zer tanks da.

Zer common slav pleb is a zer niet horoshaw, cos zey don't earn enough rubles to make it worth rogering zem, so ve come to Engliski land and buy all zee houses and zis vun everzing else Komrad. Vlad Putin is not ze old fashioned KGB verker, niet! he has ze 2 billion dollars in ze nett verth - Ochin horoshaw da!

Ay uknem you Engliski Cunting of head and Fuck ze EU for ze bank robbery of ze rubles in Cyprus last year. Ve vill nuke ze Bruxelles and make zem pay dear viz blood vun day Da and vait till you see vot our Mafia is like coz zey are coming - Boca Boca.

Fucking hell old son, go see a fucking doctor I think you have had another stroke. Edited by Mrs Roops
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Guest KuntaCunty

I remember the good old days when these spud eaters couldn't afford holidays.


Try a holiday ocean cruise, you can't step foot out of your cabin without encountering hordes of the cunts.  They either work as cabin attendants and assitants, or they are on holiday, and carrying their disgusting fish eggs, vodka and Borscht around, to avoid paying a ruble extra for food service.  Tight fisted, pushy, over demanding fucking cunts, the lot of them.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I went to Russia when they weren't allowed to travel abroad in the early 1980s. Now they can and I think they are just finding their feet as tourists. I am not proud to say that I have witnessed the British abroad in the package holiday resorts and they are by far the worst, but usually only after too much to drink.

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Guest cuntcrapper

Travelled from Latvia to Belarus through Poland, a few years back, where the cunting train had to stop to change wheels. Great H&S, every fucker stayed on the train and got completely pissed in the three hours the swap to fit the different sized tracks took. No fights, just a few choruses of Monty Python. Most of the passengers were Belarussian including some very fit women. At least you aren't thronged by fat, legginned, tattoed ugly bitches, as befits the average UK female resident and tourist. I went to the disabled toilet a few times for a nice wank, all in all a memorable trip.

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I went to Russia when they weren't allowed to travel abroad in the early 1980s. Now they can and I think they are just finding their feet as tourists. I am not proud to say that I have witnessed the British abroad in the package holiday resorts and they are by far the worst, but usually only after too much to drink.

I concur card - come to think of it - there's probably hundreds of posts on the russian version of CC cuntifying the uk chavs and slags currently engaged in fighting , puking , fucking and beach blow job championships. 

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I concur card - come to think of it - there's probably hundreds of posts on the russian version of CC cuntifying the uk chavs and slags currently engaged in fighting , puking , fucking and beach blow job championships.

Doubt if there are any gypsies on there. Stalin threw them all in the gulags. Edited by Mrs Roops
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