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A night made for cunts


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Halloween, trick or treat  ....... fecking yank shite made even worse by grown up cunts getting off on dressing up to get the complete twattery effect  [oooh  .. it's really for the little 'uns ]. I've had my fill of it along with prom nights,movies,sidewalks,soccer,airplanes and all the rest of our language and culture that the colonial arsewipes have managed to fuck up. Must go now as I need to put up my  "Fuck right off" sign in the doorway in readiness for the invasion of  the massed ranks of greedy snot nosed little shits later and the buckets of water are in place at the bedroom window. Guy Fawkes ...what a guy !

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Guest Alfie Noakes

We invented the jack o lanterns well before USA was 'discovered'. Samhain goes back well before too. Trick or treat used to be done here in the form of 'souling' in the late 1800's. They like to think they invented everything over there, but they didn't. Still its a fucking form of unlicensed extortion and you are right about school proms.
My parents told me not to accept sweets from strangers when I was a kid, now they actively encourage it.

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Guest Even bigger cunt.

The cuntry of ours is getting more feking yanklish every cunting day, fek off with your your yank Halloween shit and kiss my arse yes its arse and not feking ass.

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Guest cuntcrapper

Last year I had a lot of knocks on the door, but just as I was looking forward to s bit of a chat with the children and opened up, they all fucked off?  People these days are just rude cunts.

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Guest JackoTC

This is repeat bollocks even on the new site !!! And All Hallows Eve or Samhain started in Ireland and Scotland. Its just that now the little cunts just knock on the door and demand sweets with menaces. In my day we had to sing or do a "trick" for some apples peanuts or 5p. Operation Yewtree gags now welcome.............    

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Guest JackoTC

Last year I had a lot of knocks on the door, but just as I was looking forward to s bit of a chat with the children and opened up, they all fucked off?  People these days are just rude cunts.

As I said - open for Operation Yewtree gags

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Guest KuntaCunty

The unruly little cunts are already slithering about outside.  I don't have any indication that I will be participating in this annual ritual of supreme cuntistry, yet the little bastards are still beating on my door for sweeties.  Had to tell one bloke who had his youngest in arm to fuck off, or I'd turn the water hose on him.  I hate Halloween, it's complete and utter shite.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

The fucking porcine fuckers that knocked on my door do not need and should not have any more sugar. Diabetics in waiting, thats for certain. Am keeping the blowtorch by the door ready for the next lot.

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Guest KuntaCunty

I just put a sign on the door that says "Fuck off, no begging here!"  I can't be bothered with all of this fuckwittery.  If I have to answer one more door knock, I'm going to seize every one of the sprogs candy collections, and discharge a canister of pepper spray on them.

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9.45 there was a ring at the door. Opened it and there were 2 kids of around 6 and 7 years old and at the end at the gate were their parents grinning like fucking divs. I said that it was rather late and they told me that they had been at drama class and were very upset not to go out trick or treating. Oh and the mum was wearing a witches hat. Middle class fuckwits I have to put up with

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Guest ducunti

This is repeat bollocks even on the new site !!! And All Hallows Eve or Samhain started in Ireland and Scotland. Its just that now the little cunts just knock on the door and demand sweets with menaces. In my day we had to sing or do a "trick" for some apples peanuts or 5p. Operation Yewtree gags now welcome.............

In my day it was bob a job.
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I happened to be out on the town last night, for reasons entirely unconnected to Halloween. There were grown adults everywhere dressed up like 8 year old kids. Fucking idiots. I saw one cunt that was dressed as a smurf, what the fuck has that got to do with Halloween?

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Guest JackoTC

9.45 there was a ring at the door. Opened it and there were 2 kids of around 6 and 7 years old and at the end at the gate were their parents grinning like fucking divs. I said that it was rather late and they told me that they had been at drama class and were very upset not to go out trick or treating. Oh and the mum was wearing a witches hat. Middle class fuckwits I have to put up with

I'll go one better, we gave out loads of sweets and treats last night as we usually get a lot of guisers round, last night was no different and about 8pm the doorbell went again, I had had a few by then, and by the time I had put my vodka down and got there, not only were the little fuckers banging the door and letterbox, but one of them had actually opened my front door, walked in, and was reaching for the big bowl of sweets !!!! Cheeky fuckers. A fucking poor outfit the little cunt was wearing too, no effort at all, some sort of half werewolf zombie thing. I walked down the driveway and in a very polite and considerate manner told the parents to fuck off my property before I inserted a screwdriver in their necks. My warm and fuzzy sensation of goodwill completely dissipated and was replaced with a white hot rage against society. And werewolves.    

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Guest ducunti

I happened to be out on the town last night, for reasons entirely unconnected to Halloween. There were grown adults everywhere dressed up like 8 year old kids. Fucking idiots. I saw one cunt that was dressed as a smurf, what the fuck has that got to do with Halloween?

Papa Smurf was a grave digging necrophiliac,not sure I'm allowed to say that is he dead yet.
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I happened to be out on the town last night, for reasons entirely unconnected to Halloween. There were grown adults everywhere dressed up like 8 year old kids. Fucking idiots. I saw one cunt that was dressed as a smurf, what the fuck has that got to do with Halloween?

Same here DrCunt. Although I did see in the paper some cunt with a rectangular piece of cardboard attached from his head to his toes with a hole cut through for his face. Apparently it was supposed to be Oscar Pistorius' bathroom door. 10/10 for inventiveness on a limited budget.
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I'll go one better, we gave out loads of sweets and treats last night as we usually get a lot of guisers round, last night was no different and about 8pm the doorbell went again, I had had a few by then, and by the time I had put my vodka down and got there, not only were the little fuckers banging the door and letterbox, but one of them had actually opened my front door, walked in, and was reaching for the big bowl of sweets !!!! Cheeky fuckers. A fucking poor outfit the little cunt was wearing too, no effort at all, some sort of half werewolf zombie thing. I walked down the driveway and in a very polite and considerate manner told the parents to fuck off my property before I inserted a screwdriver in their necks. My warm and fuzzy sensation of goodwill completely dissipated and was replaced with a white hot rage against society. And werewolves.

Werewolves? Agreed. The beast of Gevaudan was an absolute cunt. Although my hat goes off to anything that has the constitution to stomach the heavily garlic marinated corpse of a Frenchie.
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I'll go one better, we gave out loads of sweets and treats last night as we usually get a lot of guisers round, last night was no different and about 8pm the doorbell went again, I had had a few by then, and by the time I had put my vodka down and got there, not only were the little fuckers banging the door and letterbox, but one of them had actually opened my front door, walked in, and was reaching for the big bowl of sweets !!!! Cheeky fuckers. A fucking poor outfit the little cunt was wearing too, no effort at all, some sort of half werewolf zombie thing. I walked down the driveway and in a very polite and considerate manner told the parents to fuck off my property before I inserted a screwdriver in their necks. My warm and fuzzy sensation of goodwill completely dissipated and was replaced with a white hot rage against society. And werewolves.    

Walking around with a screwdriver stuck in their neck would have been a good halloween costume

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