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Guest Gong Farmer

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Guest Gong Farmer

Thanks for all the kind words and greetings gentlemen. Now... are there any tarts posting on this site or is it a fanny free zone? Apologies  in advance to any tarts present.

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Thanks for all the kind words and greetings gentlemen. Now... are there any tarts posting on this site or is it a fanny free zone? Apologies  in advance to any tarts present.

Stop being so nice Gongers. Your making yourself out to be a poof.

Now that's over,have a fuck off to be getting on with.

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Guest ducunti

Thanks for all the kind words and greetings gentlemen. Now... are there any tarts posting on this site or is it a fanny free zone? Apologies  in advance to any tarts present.

Cat, pen and the Gypo will fucking throttle you for that one.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Thanks for all the kind words and greetings gentlemen. Now... are there any tarts posting on this site or is it a fanny free zone? Apologies  in advance to any tarts present.

There are a few tarts, dont know if they are all female though.
Should have said earlier, fuck off you cunt. I have been too civil for too long and if any of you have a problem with that you can fuck off too!
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Guest Gong Farmer

Cat, pen and the Gypo will fucking throttle you for that one.

Throttle me? I hope they don't charge me  for that as I can get that treatment elsewhere for free. Seriously.... they're alright with me so long as they're not those butch dungaree wearing feminist lezzy sorts that no one wants to fuck. You know the type, hessian knickers, Dr Martin boots 'patent leather', crew cut, hairy legs, hairy armpits and massive great big fuck off chip on their shoulders..... I'm sure they're not.

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We have already met I have no doubt. A rottweiler does not stop trying to bite simply because it's been hit with a rolled up newspaper.


Classic case of a wolf who is done with crossdressing and wants to be referred to wolf-to-sheep-surgery.

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Guest ducunti

Throttle me? I hope they don't charge me  for that as I can get that treatment elsewhere for free. Seriously.... they're alright with me so long as they're not those butch dungaree wearing feminist lezzy sorts that no one wants to fuck. You know the type, hessian knickers, Dr Martin boots 'patent leather', crew cut, hairy legs, hairy armpits and massive great big fuck off chip on their shoulders..... I'm sure they're not.


It's uncanny have you met ProfB then?

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Guest KuntaCunty

Jesus fucking H cunting Christ, has no-one any respect for tradition? Why has no-one told this new cunt to fuck off and kill himself yet? Do I have to do fucking everything round here?


I just don't think I could live with the guilt of nicking some other cunts thunder.  It would be like Gary Glitter taking Jimmy Saville's job.  Er, wait....

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Oi Gong Mong, i can smell your bullshit a mile away, but on the off chance you're genuine, WELCOME CUNTBREED, now behave yourself or hammers will be flying your way.


You and both reached this conclusion which is why it got the greeting it did from me Fends.

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Classic case of a wolf who is done with crossdressing and wants to be referred to wolf-to-sheep-surgery.


I have no doubt this gong cunt is a former jaded ex punter. Far too familiar and trying to hard to change an old persona of a despicable cunt to a likeable lad if you ask me. You get powers of clairvoyance as you get old and fucked like me. 

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Guest KuntaCunty

I have no doubt this gong cunt is a former jaded ex punter. Far too familiar and trying to hard to change an old persona of a despicable cunt to a likeable lad if you ask me. You get powers of clairvoyance as you get old and fucked like me. 


If it turns out he is a cunt, he will be slagged off and slandered accordingly before being fucked off yet again.  However, I believe in second chances, which is why I haven't yet told him to fuck off.

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Guest Gong Farmer

And what prize can we give Mr.Mong ? a one way ticket to shit street maybe.

I haven't got a clue as what you're talking about, honest. Apart from lurking on the guest forum on and off for a couple of months I'd never heard of this site. I would have registered earlier but it wasn't possible, I tried a few times but nothing. As it happens I was writing a post on the guest forum yesterday just stating that I'd tried to register on numerous occasions but to no avail and that it didn't matter as I was happy just lurking and just assuming that the site was closed to outsiders, that you have your reasons and it's not for me to question them. Before I posted my comment I decided to give it another bash and it worked, I was in.... And then some manky lice infested piss soaked senile 'person'  calling himself grumpycunt  posted some blithering  nonsensical bollocks about hitting his Doberman over the head with a rolled up Daily Mail. I didn't know what to fucking make of that so excuse me for not being used to conversing with some rotting bed ridden Alzhimiemer's suffer. So like any normal person would I ignored him.  What's that silly old cunt's problem anyway? He should be grateful that some poor down trodden minimum wage cunt even bothers to wipe his shitty arse for him when they remember to.... or do they?


Look mate, if you don't want here I can fuck off as easily as you can fuck me off. I don't know what or who you think I am or even what you think I'm up to but I'll have a hard fucking time trying second guess what it is. Don't reallyexplain your attitude towards as explaining is a cunts game and I'm not in the least bit interested in being privy to it anyway. It's irrelevant  as you click the 'BANNED' switch. 


 I ain't going to suck your cock to let me stay on your site but what I will do is reiterate the fact that I think CC is a very funny site with some very funny contributors strutting their stuff on here. I'd be very hard pressed after your somewhat uncalled for treatment of me on my arrival  to say that you and that pissy old shitwipe are included in my assessment of the site so far but at least I'm being honest in what I'm saying. 


Your call.

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Guest KuntaCunty

I haven't got a clue as what you're talking about, honest. Apart from lurking on the guest forum on and off for a couple of months I'd never heard of this site. I would have registered earlier but it wasn't possible, I tried a few times but nothing. As it happens I was writing a post on the guest forum yesterday just stating that I'd tried to register on numerous occasions but to no avail and that it didn't matter as I was happy just lurking and just assuming that the site was closed to outsiders, that you have your reasons and it's not for me to question them. Before I posted my comment I decided to give it another bash and it worked, I was in.... And then some manky lice infested piss soaked senile 'person'  calling himself grumpycunt  posted some blithering  nonsensical bollocks about hitting his Doberman over the head with a rolled up Daily Mail. I didn't know what to fucking make of that so excuse me for not being used to conversing with some rotting bed ridden Alzhimiemer's suffer. So like any normal person would I ignored him.  What's that silly old cunt's problem anyway? He should be grateful that some poor down trodden minimum wage cunt even bothers to wipe his shitty arse for him when they remember to.... or do they?


Look mate, if you don't want here I can fuck off as easily as you can fuck me off. I don't know what or who you think I am or even what you think I'm up to but I'll have a hard fucking time trying second guess what it is. Don't reallyexplain your attitude towards as explaining is a cunts game and I'm not in the least bit interested in being privy to it anyway. It's irrelevant  as you click the 'BANNED' switch. 


 I ain't going to suck your cock to let me stay on your site but what I will do is reiterate the fact that I think CC is a very funny site with some very funny contributors strutting their stuff on here. I'd be very hard pressed after your somewhat uncalled for treatment of me on my arrival  to say that you and that pissy old shitwipe are included in my assessment of the site so far but at least I'm being honest in what I'm saying. 


Your call.


Well, it seems you have mastered the lingo and attitude of CC in a very short period of time.  Either you are a very fast learner or you are an monumental cunt.  Possibly both. 

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I haven't got a clue as what you're talking about, honest. Apart from lurking on the guest forum on and off for a couple of months I'd never heard of this site. I would have registered earlier but it wasn't possible, I tried a few times but nothing. As it happens I was writing a post on the guest forum yesterday just stating that I'd tried to register on numerous occasions but to no avail and that it didn't matter as I was happy just lurking and just assuming that the site was closed to outsiders, that you have your reasons and it's not for me to question them. Before I posted my comment I decided to give it another bash and it worked, I was in.... And then some manky lice infested piss soaked senile 'person'  calling himself grumpycunt  posted some blithering  nonsensical bollocks about hitting his Doberman over the head with a rolled up Daily Mail. I didn't know what to fucking make of that so excuse me for not being used to conversing with some rotting bed ridden Alzhimiemer's suffer. So like any normal person would I ignored him.  What's that silly old cunt's problem anyway? He should be grateful that some poor down trodden minimum wage cunt even bothers to wipe his shitty arse for him when they remember to.... or do they?


Look mate, if you don't want here I can fuck off as easily as you can fuck me off. I don't know what or who you think I am or even what you think I'm up to but I'll have a hard fucking time trying second guess what it is. Don't reallyexplain your attitude towards as explaining is a cunts game and I'm not in the least bit interested in being privy to it anyway. It's irrelevant  as you click the 'BANNED' switch. 


 I ain't going to suck your cock to let me stay on your site but what I will do is reiterate the fact that I think CC is a very funny site with some very funny contributors strutting their stuff on here. I'd be very hard pressed after your somewhat uncalled for treatment of me on my arrival  to say that you and that pissy old shitwipe are included in my assessment of the site so far but at least I'm being honest in what I'm saying. 


Your call.


Good Reply Gong. Welcome aboard cunt. As you seemed quite ofay with the navigation and appeared an "old hand" I had my suspicions you were a viral cunt pain banned from the site a day or so ago in another guise. You have my apologies and the benefit of the doubt until otherwise proven. 

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Guest Gong Farmer

Well, it seems you have mastered the lingo and attitude of CC in a very short period of time.  Either you are a very fast learner or you are an monumental cunt.  Possibly both. 

Cunts attract cunts don't they? Otherwise how would you lot have found each other in the first place? Like I said i've been lurking on the guest forum so got the tone of the place there. I don't know why the fuck I'm explaining this but I've been on other websites much like this, same format, same modus operandi, frequented by much of the same ilk of cunt as is prevalent here. I don't want to piss on your parade mate but you're not only cunts doing this you know, CC is not unique. I appreciate that you would maybe close ranks on a new poster, it's normal and I wouldn't expect anything else but what  I hadn't expected was the amount of outright aggression and animosity I'd get coming my way, and both barrels. You could try calming the fuck down, just an observation not advice. I'm not  a fucking suicide bomber or a pissed up Scouser out for a rumble on a Saturday night in Livershite, just a bloke looking for a bit of banter with like minded cunts, that's all.


I'll tell you what. I'll do the decent thing and make this will be my last post, I'm not that thick that I can't take the hint that I'm not welcome here. Disappointed? Well yeah I am really. I can go else where to be called a cunt so no skin of anyone's nose eh?


Nice site and Good luck with it.

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Guest KuntaCunty

Cunts attract cunts don't they? Otherwise how would you lot have found each other in the first place? Like I said i've been lurking on the guest forum so got the tone of the place there. I don't know why the fuck I'm explaining this but I've been on other websites much like this, same format, same modus operandi, frequented by much of the same ilk of cunt as is prevalent here. I don't want to piss on your parade mate but you're not only cunts doing this you know, CC is not unique. I appreciate that you would maybe close ranks on a new poster, it's normal and I wouldn't expect anything else but what  I hadn't expected was the amount of outright aggression and animosity I'd get coming my way, and both barrels. You could try calming the fuck down, just an observation not advice. I'm not  a fucking suicide bomber or a pissed up Scouser out for a rumble on a Saturday night in Livershite, just a bloke looking for a bit of banter with like minded cunts, that's all.


I'll tell you what. I'll do the decent thing and make this will be my last post, I'm not that thick that I can't take the hint that I'm not welcome here. Disappointed? Well yeah I am really. I can go else where to be called a cunt so no skin of anyone's nose eh?


Nice site and Good luck with it.


This is the CC version of trial by fire.  You ask why you're explaining yourself?  Cunts make other cunts do what they normally wouldn't.  I think you'll find that most sites like this will have some degree of initiation, maybe even venturing into the realm of hazing the newb. 


You can stay or go, that's entirely up to you.  Just keep in mind, where ever you go, you'll probably experience something similar.  Dare I say, some places may be worse.

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I have no doubt this gong cunt is a former jaded ex punter. Far too familiar and trying to hard to change an old persona of a despicable cunt to a likeable lad if you ask me. You get powers of clairvoyance as you get old and fucked like me. 


You have to wonder why these ravenous wolves never seem to change their tactics. This one here is a cunt of the highest order. Reminds me of someone who's been around the block.

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Cunts attract cunts don't they? Otherwise how would you lot have found each other in the first place? Like I said i've been lurking on the guest forum so got the tone of the place there. I don't know why the fuck I'm explaining this but I've been on other websites much like this, same format, same modus operandi, frequented by much of the same ilk of cunt as is prevalent here. I don't want to piss on your parade mate but you're not only cunts doing this you know, CC is not unique. I appreciate that you would maybe close ranks on a new poster, it's normal and I wouldn't expect anything else but what  I hadn't expected was the amount of outright aggression and animosity I'd get coming my way, and both barrels. You could try calming the fuck down, just an observation not advice. I'm not  a fucking suicide bomber or a pissed up Scouser out for a rumble on a Saturday night in Livershite, just a bloke looking for a bit of banter with like minded cunts, that's all.


I'll tell you what. I'll do the decent thing and make this will be my last post, I'm not that thick that I can't take the hint that I'm not welcome here. Disappointed? Well yeah I am really. I can go else where to be called a cunt so no skin of anyone's nose eh?


Nice site and Good luck with it.


Fuck me, did you want a fucking cuddle and the red carpet rolled out for your arrival you sensitive cunt?
See you later Moi or Thames.

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Guest ducunti

Cunts attract cunts don't they? Otherwise how would you lot have found each other in the first place? Like I said i've been lurking on the guest forum so got the tone of the place there. I don't know why the fuck I'm explaining this but I've been on other websites much like this, same format, same modus operandi, frequented by much of the same ilk of cunt as is prevalent here. I don't want to piss on your parade mate but you're not only cunts doing this you know, CC is not unique. I appreciate that you would maybe close ranks on a new poster, it's normal and I wouldn't expect anything else but what  I hadn't expected was the amount of outright aggression and animosity I'd get coming my way, and both barrels. You could try calming the fuck down, just an observation not advice. I'm not  a fucking suicide bomber or a pissed up Scouser out for a rumble on a Saturday night in Livershite, just a bloke looking for a bit of banter with like minded cunts, that's all. I'll tell you what. I'll do the decent thing and make this will be my last post, I'm not that thick that I can't take the hint that I'm not welcome here. Disappointed? Well yeah I am really. I can go else where to be called a cunt so no skin of anyone's nose eh? Nice site and Good luck with it.

No need to go now, you've just passed your initiation, all that effort and now your fucking off. Stick with it otherwise you'll never see the Bronski experience,all Newbies(I hate that fucking word) go through it.It's just toughening you up for dealing with some of the real thicko's on here.
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