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Was a time(s) when I was a regular on this site.  On the times when I return I usually notice something different even if it's only Rats new ID's. This time I have come back to a fucking major change and in my honest opinion it's not a good one.


The biggest problem that I can see is the Facebookesque regurgitation of topics. One comment and a nomination pops back up to the top of the pile and immediately sits there above fresh content like a festering turd at a lunchtime banquet.


My last nomination was not a good one. Even my arch enemies of old could barely be bothered to pop their heads above the parapet and take a kick at me. Shite as it was, all it would take to fetch it back is a "bump" and if the nomination was not worthy of comment in the first place, why should it be bumped back to the top? Fucking madness.


Maybe this should have gone in that new site suggestions section, but for me it deserves a cunt nomination because this site is now a pale shadow of it's former self. On the other hand, something else could be to blame that I have missed in my absence.


The old site was ten times better than this. Yes there is some new tech on display on this new version, but sometimes it's better to not fix things if they aren't broke.

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Greeting Rothers, never met you but the old firm still speak of you glowingly in your absence. The old site was hacked in August so we were forced to migrate to this new site and play nice with the cancerous filth that inhabit the chat room. It took me ages to find my bearings and I still get lost occasionally, but that is not dissimilar to getting home from the boozer on week nights. 

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Guest KuntaCunty

Greeting Rothers, never met you but the old firm still speak of you glowingly in your absence. The old site was hacked in August so we were forced to migrate to this new site and play nice with the cancerous filth that inhabit the chat room. It took me ages to find my bearings and I still get lost occasionally, but that is not dissimilar to getting home from the boozer on week nights. 


I have to say Grumps, at our age, being one step outside the care home may have something to do with getting lost.  It happens to us all, matey!

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Guest JackoTC

Utterly fuck all? You can't have a lot of nothing, you pea-brained fuckwit.

Utterly does not mean "a lot of" - dear oh dear !  After all the hype, you seem somewhat of a disappointment.  

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Guest JackoTC

I was dumbing it down for you, having seen how you struggled.

Damned considerate of you. And now you've tricked me into adding more replies to this than I said I would..........no, sorry, I said anything of "interest" originally, which this is not......oh fuck it, I'm boring myself with this shite ...........   

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