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Tom Jones

Guest KuntaCunty

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Guest KuntaCunty

Will somebody please explain how this fantastic specimen of talentless, liquid shit for a voice cunt reached such heights of stardom, and why he still gets fucking time on the radio?  What an absolute waste of humanity and stratospheric level cunt.

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Guest ducunti

Went into a pub in Carmarthen a few years back just having a quiet drink with a workmate, the jukebox was playing in the background. All of a sudden the door burst open and around a dozen nutty welsh girls come in, one of them walked up to me and gave me a pound then said 'here's your money back we are going to turn the jukebox off' then proceeded to put a tape on of this cunt and dance all over the chairs and tables, funny thing was I hadn't put any money in the thing. I fucking left hastily.

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Guest KuntaCunty

Went into a pub in Carmarthen a few years back just having a quiet drink with a workmate, the jukebox was playing in the background. All of a sudden the door burst open and around a dozen nutty welsh girls come in, one of them walked up to me and gave me a pound then said 'here's your money back we are going to turn the jukebox off' then proceeded to put a tape on of this cunt and dance all over the chairs and tables, funny thing was I hadn't put any money in the thing. I fucking left hastily.


Probably a wise decision.  Don't want to be around that lot when they're in a mood. Things tend to get a little rough.

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Guest KuntaCunty

Tom is a legend. End of.


His voice is less appealing than listening to an elephant seal pup crying as it's head is bashed and neck sliced.  Also, the elephant seal doesn't have face that looks as if it's been smashed in by a wrecking ball.  I reaffirm my nomination, that old Tom is a cunt.

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Guest KuntaCunty

If you have the strength, hold him by the ankles and go on a national statue scrubbing tour with his hair.  He be a perfect tampax for the yanks' statue of liberty.

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Tom Jones is, and has been cool for decades in the true sense of the word. He continues to reinvent himself and is one of the only artists of his vintage that is known by the younger generation for his more modern songs. He performed in the AFL grand final in Australia in September which is the Aussies biggest sporting event of the year and killed it I am told. Rock on old cunt, your alright.

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Guest ducunti

Agreed, go on YouTube and check his duet with Janis Joplin. Stunning. Deebom and talentless cunts like that aren't fit enough to lick the sweat of his cobblers. Stick to X Factor you fucking chavs.

Would prefer watching Johnny Cash's trio with Carl Perkins and Eric Clapton, your ok Tom they were all wearing slip ons.
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