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Lingerie football league - only in the USA

Guest JackoTC

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Guest JackoTC

The topic died 5 months ago...

​Ah, but I was looking for a topic in which I slated lezzer woman's sport. Its the best I could do. The search function in the CC archive is fucking shite.

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What do you expect from the Beeb when some cunt is making the decision to put Thomas Hitzelsperger on as a MOTD pundit purely based on the fact that he's a sausage jockey in the vain hope of trying to claw back some 'guilt' points amassed by Saville and his cronies,the delightful Heather Rabbatts is their latest 'chosen one' in an attempt to keep things balaced(?) although which category she/he/It comes under I 'ain't got a clue......televisual cunts!



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Guest DingTheRioja

What do you expect from the Beeb when some cunt is making the decision to put Thomas Hitzelsperger on as a MOTD pundit purely based on the fact that he's a sausage jockey in the vain hope of trying to claw back some 'guilt' points amassed by Saville and his cronies,the delightful Heather Rabbatts is their latest 'chosen one' in an attempt to keep things balaced(?) although which category she/he/It comes under I 'ain't got a clue......televisual cunts!




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Womens sport, for fuck sake. The fucking BBC are at it again. Not only is their website choc a bloc full of fucking poofs and dykes (obviously, as the fucking BBC is full of them), now we have some apparently legendary female rugby player chatting to a female sports presenter at half time in the mens rugby. Unsurprisingly, they talked utter shite, as they both know fuck all about the mens game. Stick to running about a field with fellow dykes and fatties and pretend you are important you dull lesbian nobodies. (Oh, and make sure you get paid as a professional cos at least 150 will turn up to watch you play. Mainly other lezzers and whatever the opposite of fag hags are). You cunts.

I think you should run for President of fifa. I think you have all the qualities for it.

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Guest JackoTC

I think you should run for President of fifa. I think you have all the qualities for it.

​I am genuinely not a sexist. It just galls me when they are trying to put men and women's sport on the same footing. It will never happen. Men and women are not equal, and never can be. That is fact. Its when those twats at the beeb and various other institutes try to fool us into thinking that just because a lot of poofs and lezzers tell us different it will make it so. It clearly will not, and that is the only reason they annoy me. I would definitely be happy to watch a couple of them suck each others tits. No probs. That proves it.

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​I am genuinely not a sexist. It just galls me when they are trying to put men and women's sport on the same footing. It will never happen. Men and women are not equal, and never can be. That is fact. Its when those twats at the beeb and various other institutes try to fool us into thinking that just because a lot of poofs and lezzers tell us different it will make it so. It clearly will not, and that is the only reason they annoy me. I would definitely be happy to watch a couple of them suck each others tits. No probs. That proves it.

My great grandma would probably disagree with you. She used to earn extra cash wrestling sailors on the docks at Chatham. And if they didn't weigh in with her winnings she'd kick the shit out of them. No wonder great grandpa did as he was told.

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My great grandma would probably disagree with you. She used to earn extra cash wrestling sailors on the docks at Chatham. And if they didn't weigh in with her winnings she'd kick the shit out of them. No wonder great grandpa did as he was told.

May I formally withdraw the offer of marriage previously made to you, gypps. I couldn't cope with that.

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