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Judy Murray


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Now it all makes sense.

I can see where that talentless pile of shit of a son of yours gets his looks and skills from.


Why don't the pair of you miserable, sour faced cunts fuck off back to the home of the sweaty socks because we don't want you.


Cunts - the pair of you.

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I hope something heavy squashes them. Andy's goitre ought to do it. It's like having K2 growing out of your neck for fuck's sake. When all the grouse have gone, vermin like this should be chased onto the moors.

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Guest KuntaCunty

I don't know about you lot, but my mum doesn't follow me every time I go to fucking work! I mean, I know Andy's a bit of a needy cunt, but for fuck's sake!


She never got over following him into the loo during toilet training.  Andy's first go at an autobiography failed miserably.  It was titled "How to be a star whilst Mum watches you have a wee." 

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Guest KuntaCunty

I gather this is Andy Murreys mum. What has she done to deserve the ire of members?


What does anybody ever really do?  Sometimes, all it takes is to be seen alive and breathing at the wrong time and place. 

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Guest KuntaCunty

I'm not sure how true it is, but by all accounts she used to train her Andy, by bashing his bollocks, whilst he was asleep with an effigy of Alex Salmond, and shouting YES YES YES.


That would explain the rumours of his preference for using the ladie's loo to have a piss.

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Guest KuntaCunty

Then how can you explain Martina Navratilova's penchant for using the gents,
to shit all over Billy Jean King?


I heard a rumour that Navratilova's clit is longer than a mule's cock.  Also, it isn't as if she hasn't been mistaken for a bloke in the past. 

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