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Sussex police and the death of a high risk person

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Clare Cruttenden, 30, was visited at her home in St Leonards on Monday 17 February by officers after an aggravated burglary.

The next day she was reported missing and was described as “high risk”.

The day after officers from Sussex Police were called to the Brighton hotel where she collapsed.

A day later, Thursday 20 February, she died in hospital.

The force professional standards department has been asked to investigate the actions of officers and two have been suspended.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission said that it would supervise an investigation into contact between Clare Cruttenden and the police.

The investigation will be carried out by Sussex Police.

The force said: “Sussex Police has re-referred an incident to the Independent Police Complaints Commission following the death of 30-year-old Clare Cruttenden in a Brighton hospital.

“Clare had been reported as a high-risk missing person by Hastings Police on 18 February.

“On 19 February police attended a call to a woman collapsed at a Brighton hotel. She was identified as Clare and sadly passed away in hospital the following day.”

“Two Sussex police officers have been suspended from duty.

“The deputy chief constable of Sussex Police, Olivia Pinkney, has visited Clare’s family to explain the process of investigation and to offer her personal apology for the way Clare was treated by the police.”

An inquest into the death of Clare Cruttenden death has been opened and adjourned.

I sense the usual cover up about to happen here.
Yet another example of our 'wonderful' police fucking up and then investigating it themselves. Not the best way to deal with internal affairs. IPCC is always biased towards the force.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Have had a few previous dealings, including being denied hospital treatment with a compound fracture to my hand and held for 16 hours. It was for fighting off a knife wielding maniac in self defence. Of course I completely fucked the cunt up, "I thought he was going to kill me officer".

Was released without charge and now have a permanently fucked up hand. Tried to sue the cunts, Poole police, but IPCC said there was lack of evidence of me being mistreated. Would have to take out a private prosecution, but no legal aid anymore for cases like this thanks to condem government making sure there is only justice for the rich.

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Why can I only attach an image of only 3.08k? Pointless!

Its easier if you host any pictures you want to use on an imagehosting site, then you can just post the link attachment of virtually any size. I might put some instruction in the suggestions page !  

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Its easier if you host any pictures you want to use on an imagehosting site, then you can just post the link attachment of virtually any size. I might put some instruction in the suggestions page !

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

Never volunteer info to the pigs. Always reply to their enquiries with "am I obliged to answer that question?" Or "I will only answer questions by appointment at a police station with a solicitor present." It really pisses them off!

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Never volunteer info to the pigs. Always reply to their enquiries with "am I obliged to answer that question?" Or "I will only answer questions by appointment at a police station with a solicitor present." It really pisses them off!

This. I was told this by a copper. Never say a fucking word. Make the cunts earn their living.

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Guest judgetwi

If you want attention from the Police this is what you do--you go down to the Houses of Parliament, lean against the railings and fuck about with your phone. After about 5 or 6 minutes 2 blokes will come up to you, flash their warrant cards and ask you what you are doing. You tell them you are on the TfL website trying to find where you can get a bus to Chelsea. They tell you where the bus stop is and offer to escort you there. You politely decline and fuck off. Meanwhile a third cunt follows you , gets on the bus with you, gets off the bus with you in the Kings Road. You go into a shop and when you emerge the cunt has disappeared. Yes, that's where you tax is going, protecting the great and good from dangerous cunts like me. No doubt i am in a file somewhere marked "suspicious looking bastards."

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If you want attention from the Police this is what you do--you go down to the Houses of Parliament, lean against the railings and fuck about with your phone. After about 5 or 6 minutes 2 blokes will come up to you, flash their warrant cards and ask you what you are doing. You tell them you are on the TfL website trying to find where you can get a bus to Chelsea. They tell you where the bus stop is and offer to escort you there. You politely decline and fuck off. Meanwhile a third cunt follows you , gets on the bus with you, gets off the bus with you in the Kings Road. You go into a shop and when you emerge the cunt has disappeared. Yes, that's where you tax is going, protecting the great and good from dangerous cunts like me. No doubt i am in a file somewhere marked "suspicious looking bastards."

Maybe the tea towel on your head and the puffer jacket you wearing had something to do with it?

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Guest KuntaCunty

If you want attention from the Police this is what you do--you go down to the Houses of Parliament, lean against the railings and fuck about with your phone. After about 5 or 6 minutes 2 blokes will come up to you, flash their warrant cards and ask you what you are doing. You tell them you are on the TfL website trying to find where you can get a bus to Chelsea. They tell you where the bus stop is and offer to escort you there. You politely decline and fuck off. Meanwhile a third cunt follows you , gets on the bus with you, gets off the bus with you in the Kings Road. You go into a shop and when you emerge the cunt has disappeared. Yes, that's where you tax is going, protecting the great and good from dangerous cunts like me. No doubt i am in a file somewhere marked "suspicious looking bastards."


It doesn't take much these days, does it.

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