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Urban foxes

Guest Alfie Noakes

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Guest Alfie Noakes

There is a massive issue round here with the fucking bastards. They attack pets, overturn bins and shit and mark in my garden. They are bloody huge as well, must be all the dog food do gooders leave out for the cunts. If you feed them they won't catch rats and other things which would make them a little bit useful.

Bring the hunt back and let the toffee noses flush the cunts out into the street and shoot the fuckers (perhaps foxes and huntsmen).

Before the flower power vegan hippy types blame it on us building in the countryside and taking their habitat, there is still a lot of countryside for them. Like all vermin they should be eradicated from our towns.

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If the vegan hippy types don't like this perhaps they can provide a comfortable room and three wholesome meals a day, at least the cunts would be a bigger target in a rifle sight when they went out for a shit.

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Guest judgetwi

"Overturn bins"? What fucking world do you live in? Have you never heard of wheelie bins? There's no fucking fox that can turn one of those over , even when it's empty.While not being a vegan or hippy i must disagree with this nomination. I live opposite a "wildlife area" which is a small fenced in piece of overgrown ground.There is a gate where you can go in but i don't know anyone who has been in there, i've never seen anyone in there and, in nearly 30 years, i have never been in there myself. A few years ago the cunting council proposed to build a medical centre there but, thankfully, the local vegans and hippies (ie cunts like me) put a stop to it. It is very important, in my opinion, to preserve some part of the natural environment in the urban jungle. Yes it involves putting up with the urban fox. Yes the fox attacks pets that are left out at night (you wouldn't believe the noise a cat can make when it is being ripped apart.) That's why i keep my rabbit, Beyonce, locked in the fucking shed. Yes it has been known for foxes to enter a house and attack children. There's no fucking fox i have heard of that can open a door so that's your fucking fault you dumb cunt.If that happens to you then you are no better than the McCanns you arsehole. In the old days you would only see a fox in the street very late at night but now it is not unusual to see one trotting around during the day. This is obviously because of the filthy cunts who throw their fast food around the pavement. Exterminate those cunts and you might not have to exterminate the fox. Live and let live i say. The urban fox, like the Pole, the Lithuanian and the Romanian is here to stay. He ain't going anywhere so you may as well learn to live with him.

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Guest KuntaCunty

"Overturn bins"? What fucking world do you live in? Have you never heard of wheelie bins? There's no fucking fox that can turn one of those over , even when it's empty.While not being a vegan or hippy i must disagree with this nomination. I live opposite a "wildlife area" which is a small fenced in piece of overgrown ground.There is a gate where you can go in but i don't know anyone who has been in there, i've never seen anyone in there and, in nearly 30 years, i have never been in there myself. A few years ago the cunting council proposed to build a medical centre there but, thankfully, the local vegans and hippies (ie cunts like me) put a stop to it. It is very important, in my opinion, to preserve some part of the natural environment in the urban jungle. Yes it involves putting up with the urban fox. Yes the fox attacks pets that are left out at night (you wouldn't believe the noise a cat can make when it is being ripped apart.) That's why i keep my rabbit, Beyonce, locked in the fucking shed. Yes it has been known for foxes to enter a house and attack children. There's no fucking fox i have heard of that can open a door so that's your fucking fault you dumb cunt.If that happens to you then you are no better than the McCanns you arsehole. In the old days you would only see a fox in the street very late at night but now it is not unusual to see one trotting around during the day. This is obviously because of the filthy cunts who throw their fast food around the pavement. Exterminate those cunts and you might not have to exterminate the fox. Live and let live i say. The urban fox, like the Pole, the Lithuanian and the Romanian is here to stay. He ain't going anywhere so you may as well learn to live with him.


What if the Pole, Lithuanian, and Romanian are tuskers? 

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"Overturn bins"? What fucking world do you live in? Have you never heard of wheelie bins? There's no fucking fox that can turn one of those over , even when it's empty.While not being a vegan or hippy i must disagree with this nomination. I live opposite a "wildlife area" which is a small fenced in piece of overgrown ground.There is a gate where you can go in but i don't know anyone who has been in there, i've never seen anyone in there and, in nearly 30 years, i have never been in there myself. A few years ago the cunting council proposed to build a medical centre there but, thankfully, the local vegans and hippies (ie cunts like me) put a stop to it. It is very important, in my opinion, to preserve some part of the natural environment in the urban jungle. Yes it involves putting up with the urban fox. Yes the fox attacks pets that are left out at night (you wouldn't believe the noise a cat can make when it is being ripped apart.) That's why i keep my rabbit, Beyonce, locked in the fucking shed. Yes it has been known for foxes to enter a house and attack children. There's no fucking fox i have heard of that can open a door so that's your fucking fault you dumb cunt.If that happens to you then you are no better than the McCanns you arsehole. In the old days you would only see a fox in the street very late at night but now it is not unusual to see one trotting around during the day. This is obviously because of the filthy cunts who throw their fast food around the pavement. Exterminate those cunts and you might not have to exterminate the fox. Live and let live i say. The urban fox, like the Pole, the Lithuanian and the Romanian is here to stay. He ain't going anywhere so you may as well learn to live with him.

I can imagine you saying this word for word on "Springwatch" whilst Kate Humble gets all hot and moist listening.

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That's really unfair.


I think they look great in their smoking jackets and cravats, with their 'Leslie-Philiips-in-a-Jacuzzi-of-champagne-with-a-bevvy of-beauties' demeanour.


Hang on.....



'Urbane Foxes'?



Groan  :P  

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"Overturn bins"? What fucking world do you live in? Have you never heard of wheelie bins? There's no fucking fox that can turn one of those over , even when it's empty.While not being a vegan or hippy i must disagree with this nomination. I live opposite a "wildlife area" which is a small fenced in piece of overgrown ground.There is a gate where you can go in but i don't know anyone who has been in there, i've never seen anyone in there and, in nearly 30 years, i have never been in there myself. A few years ago the cunting council proposed to build a medical centre there but, thankfully, the local vegans and hippies (ie cunts like me) put a stop to it. It is very important, in my opinion, to preserve some part of the natural environment in the urban jungle. Yes it involves putting up with the urban fox. Yes the fox attacks pets that are left out at night (you wouldn't believe the noise a cat can make when it is being ripped apart.) That's why i keep my rabbit, Beyonce, locked in the fucking shed. Yes it has been known for foxes to enter a house and attack children. There's no fucking fox i have heard of that can open a door so that's your fucking fault you dumb cunt.If that happens to you then you are no better than the McCanns you arsehole. In the old days you would only see a fox in the street very late at night but now it is not unusual to see one trotting around during the day. This is obviously because of the filthy cunts who throw their fast food around the pavement. Exterminate those cunts and you might not have to exterminate the fox. Live and let live i say. The urban fox, like the Pole, the Lithuanian and the Romanian is here to stay. He ain't going anywhere so you may as well learn to live with him.

The McCanns..... You fucking stupid old cunt.
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Yep. They have almost cleared every last goose and duck from my local ponds and river. They catapult and eat ANY-thing with feathers or four legs. 30lb carp and specimen Barbel too, the cunts, and no fucker stops them.

These fuckers are submerging the good ol British Gypsy. Bit like when the grey squirrels came here and fucked off the reds. That will be us soon. It won't be Camberwell Gypsy anymore. It will be Edenbridge Gypsy or Ashford gypsy or some other god forsaken shithole Gypsy. Im very very worried.

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