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Fucking Muslim Jihad cunts


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In Australia a few days ago an Muslim cunt was asked to report to the local police station on suspicion of terrorist activities after his Facebook page was found to have images of him draped in a jihad flag and making threats to kill civilians in the name of Allah. This fucking sandmonkey cunt went down to the police station as requested armed with two knives and when a officer greeted him and went to shake his hand, was stabbed in the head and arm. Another copper then emptied his revolver into the cunt killing him instantly after he too was stabbed in the leg. Now the fucking Muslim community is outraged and blaming the coppers and requesting a full investigation as to why he was shot. For fucks sake you bunch of arse-sniffing, towel headed cunts who worship a kid fuckker, get a fucking clue!!! you stab a copper, your going to have a bad time no matter what fucking god you worship.

Where do these cunts get off thinking they are above the law and can simply waltz into other countries and act as if they back in their sand hovels of home and accountable to nobody?

I was going to try and be articulate in this post but I'm well mad and being politically correct is the last thing on my mind.

The Koran needs banning, Muslim religion needs banning, ALL Muslims need to be sent home or risk being shot on site.

Why no one does not stand up and take the law into their own hands, form a gang and beat these cunts to death is beyond me. Maybe cunts are piss weak and accept shit like this these days.

I fully expect the mods to boot this post claiming it's racist, but when westerners are being killed simply for being westerners I would hope I could vent on a site dedicated to cunting cunts of the world and Muslims are definitely cunts of the highest order.

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Guest KuntaCunty

If I were the chief of Police, I would submit a press release stating the Muslim CUNTmunity should be very glad the bastard wasn't dragged through a pig farm before being set on fire in a lard grease fire whilst frying pork rinds.   Then to STFU before they're all rounded up, put on a rusty fucking fishing trawler and sunk in the Indian ocean.  When all that pig blood in the cargo holds mixes with sea water, there will be enough sharks to end them of their constant fucking misery, and ours as well. 

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I dont believe it. Australia has it first 'terror raids' just last week, to which I thought "Bollocks, why the fuck are the Jihadists bothered about Oz?" Then this happens? It's all smoke and mirrors to get the Australian public on side with Obama and Blairs middle eastern warmongering. They'll be claiming New Zealand has a terror threat next. Then the Falklands, Then Antarctica. Fucking lying shitvalves, all of them.

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I dont believe it. Australia has it first 'terror raids' just last week, to which I thought "Bollocks, why the fuck are the Jihadists bothered about Oz?" Then this happens? It's all smoke and mirrors to get the Australian public on side with Obama and Blairs middle eastern warmongering. They'll be claiming New Zealand has a terror threat next. Then the Falklands, Then Antarctica. Fucking lying shitvalves, all of them.

I hope they don't include South Ockenden, that shit hole needs smoking.
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Terror attack in Antarctic I can see it now, Sandmonkey cunts wearing suicide vest blowing up seals, crashing planes into colonies of emperor penguins, beheading polar bears and arse fucking Eskimos for their Eskimo pies. Good times to be a terrorist.

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Guest TheCatWoman

For the love of Allah Grumpycunt - I thought you were better than this.  What a load of old shite you have written in the early hours of the morning when you should have been sleeping like most rationally minded people were.  You're getting whipped into a frenzy by a random act of evil which probably has little to do with religion and more to do with the perp being a small dicked, no friends, personality disordered weirdo.  I do hope this site isn't going to become a spring board for  anti muslim extremists.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

There are quite a few bible bashers in America who are extreme, but I don't see them posting videos of innocents being beheaded. Yes our propaganda machine will bend to the will of the government. These killings are real, I am sure there is no conspiracy on this one. But these tribal wars being done in the name of religion must be stopped or it will eventually creep westwards until the cunts are telling us how to eat, breathe, bathe, clothe ourselves etc. I believe in free will, these cunts don't.

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The mother of a British teenager who is believed to have been killed in the US airstrikes in Syria has hit out at border officials for allowing him to leave the country.

Ibrahim Kamara, 19, is reported to have travelled to the Middle East earlier this year having stolen his 15-year-old brother's passport.

Sky News 12:30  25/10/2014


You just couldn't write this stuff could you ......Compensation claim due anytime methinks.


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The mother of a British teenager who is believed to have been killed in the US airstrikes in Syria has hit out at border officials for allowing him to leave the country.

Ibrahim Kamara, 19, is reported to have travelled to the Middle East earlier this year having stolen his 15-year-old brother's passport.

Sky News 12:30  25/10/2014


You just couldn't write this stuff could you ......Compensation claim due anytime methinks.



The border officials who let them IN to this country in the first place are equally at fault.

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Terror attack in Antarctic I can see it now, Sandmonkey cunts wearing suicide vest blowing up seals, crashing planes into colonies of emperor penguins, beheading polar bears and arse fucking Eskimos for their Eskimo pies. Good times to be a terrorist.

Okay I'll take a bullet for the rest of CC's: No polar bears or eskimos in the Antarctic. Seals however need blowing up, slimey little bastards

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Guest nobgobbler


The mother of a British teenager who is believed to have been killed in the US airstrikes in Syria has hit out at border officials for allowing him to leave the country.

Ibrahim Kamara, 19, is reported to have travelled to the Middle East earlier this year having stolen his 15-year-old brother's passport.

Sky News 12:30  25/10/2014


You just couldn't write this stuff could you ......Compensation claim due anytime methinks.



25/10/14? that's next month!

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Guest KuntaCunty

Okay I'll take a bullet for the rest of CC's: No polar bears or eskimos in the Antarctic. Seals however need blowing up, slimey little bastards


Isn't it enough that sharks find them a delicacy, and various native tribes club them to death for their fur?  Two particularly gruesome ways to die.  I would rather see Judge and Frank go those ways than seals, as well as being blown to bits by high fragmentation explosive devices. 

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For the love of Allah Grumpycunt - I thought you were better than this.  What a load of old shite you have written in the early hours of the morning when you should have been sleeping like most rationally minded people were.  You're getting whipped into a frenzy by a random act of evil which probably has little to do with religion and more to do with the perp being a small dicked, no friends, personality disordered weirdo.  I do hope this site isn't going to become a spring board for  anti muslim extremists.

I agree with Grumpers,lets get rid of these cunts before another train or bus gets blown up. We are after all,at war with these cunts.

We have armed forces fighting abroad,all the while the enemy could be living in your street.

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  • 2 months later...

Completely unrelated to the fucking drivel dispensing itself from your cunting imagination, where the fuck is the Christmas hamper for Punkape thread gone?

I suspect it contravened the prime directive: "Cunt shall not Cunt Cunt", which is a shame as it was fucking good entertainment Deci, old chap.
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