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Faith vs Stupidity?


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Is the bible a factual account of creation and the life of Jesus or a brilliant marketing tool to make the church all powerful and absurdly rich least non-believers be faced with eternal damnation?

I personally think like most fairy tales it has changed in interpretation over the years like Chinese whispers passed down over the centuries and purported feats have been embellished like most good fishing stories. 

It promises hope to those who have faith in the return of Jesus (taking his fucking time you recon?) to take his flock to Narnia or wherever the fuck they are going and ensures eternal servitude in hell for those who do not have faith. That sounds a lot to me like blackmail and superstitious cunts back then would of not had a lot of choice but to subscribe to this new religion least be burned in hell for eternity.

Truth is, I would like to believe but as we have never been presented with any tangible evidence scientific or otherwise to back up the bibles version of events I simply cant.

Evolution on the other hand, seems to have some scientific credibility and is now being taught in schools and considered factual (I could rattle off a list of examples from another website but I cant be fucked so Google it yourselves)  

My opinion is the bible, and religion as a concept is a complete and utter cunt. Maybe the biggest cunt in the history of humankind (that or Keith) as more cunts have died and more wars been started in the name of one god or another then anything else in history.


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Guest Alfie Noakes

All religion is power over people, it enables you to have devoted followers and little or no police.
They use wishful thinking (heaven after death, prayers answered etc) and anyone who doesn't follow your religion should not be trusted as they are evil. Fear of eternal damnation for non compliance, or death for apostacy.

They also teach creationalism as science in faith schools and in a lot of schools in America. They teach that man walked the planet with the dinosaurs! Until the great flood of course.

Each of the middle eastern religions took their predecessor and embellished it and altered it to suit them.

As I have said before it is all a load of bollocks for people with no direction in life, or those who have a mental episode and think that they have been in the presence of god or angels

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The mechanisms may be a bit rusty after not being used for a while. There  may be a degree of self-consciousness but today, up and down this land, ordinary people will pray to a sensed God and apply their hopes to an imagined heaven, having been visited by death or news of imminent death.


It will give them comfort and hope; a sliver of something good to cling onto - a sliver that the clamour for proveable fact (as if that is all that matters) from the likes of the OP, will decry as stupidity.


But they will pray, despite what the hipsters and the gobby atheists would have us believe.

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Is the bible a factual account of creation and the life of Jesus or a brilliant marketing tool to make the church all powerful and absurdly rich least non-believers be faced with eternal damnation?

I personally think like most fairy tales it has changed in interpretation over the years like Chinese whispers passed down over the centuries and purported feats have been embellished like most good fishing stories. 

It promises hope to those who have faith in the return of Jesus (taking his fucking time you recon?) to take his flock to Narnia or wherever the fuck they are going and ensures eternal servitude in hell for those who do not have faith. That sounds a lot to me like blackmail and superstitious cunts back then would of not had a lot of choice but to subscribe to this new religion least be burned in hell for eternity.

Truth is, I would like to believe but as we have never been presented with any tangible evidence scientific or otherwise to back up the bibles version of events I simply cant.

Evolution on the other hand, seems to have some scientific credibility and is now being taught in schools and considered factual (I could rattle off a list of examples from another website but I cant be fucked so Google it yourselves)  

My opinion is the bible, and religion as a concept is a complete and utter cunt. Maybe the biggest cunt in the history of humankind (that or Keith) as more cunts have died and more wars been started in the name of one god or another then anything else in history.

Your last sentence: It is more about land and possessions (IMHO) rather than religion itself. If it wasn't about religion, some cunt will wage war irregardless of whether the other tribe/person was a different religion or not.

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Whenever religion gets an airing on any social media, it's generally the atheistically inclined shiteing on about 'no proof of God....the Bible / Qu'aran / Talmud is all balls....religion the cause of all wars.....mind-control and indoctrination of kids' often in intemperate terms, often running to several (or eightal) paragraphs. It's very rare in my experience for a hardcore believer of whatever faith to come in, demanding all believe their one true way - those nutters are more likely to be found shouting to the pigeons outside Greggs in your local shopping precinct, where they can, quite rightly, be laughed at and ignored.


My first point being - just who are the proseletysing bigots here?


Secondly, reading the above posts it would appear that most folks' experience of religion is hearing nutters like Paisley / Abu Hamza / The Pope and extrapolating that to the belief that this is a representation of all religions, in a mental leap that beggars belief


Really?? Is that your day-to-day exposure to religion? Wow!


Your kid doesn't go to a religious-endowed school or has been treated in a religious-endowed hospital? You've never seen / supported the religious based charities such as Christian Aid? You don't know someone who isn't a gobby fundamentalist, but whose faith is a quiet source of strength to them?


Clearly there are religious extremists in the World causing death and mayhem in their pursuit of, well, we're not quite sure since we don't really talk to them, just demonise them. But for a group whose members have the most finely tuned bullshit detectors and levels of cynicism at the healthiest and most robust of levels, some CC'ers really do think these minority cunts represent a huge body of religious thought.

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He's behind you.

Oh no he isn't. That's Mohammed the pickpocket looking for a free meal after his perilous journey balancing on the lorry axle to the sway of the ferry. 



Seem to be suffering from large finger syndrome, every time I go to open a thread it seems to go straight to the members page.

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As if 'empirical evidence' is all that counts.


Sorry Jazz, but my next door neighbour is a devout Christian, quiet, modest, and the very antithesis of a preachy zealot. He is a 'good-doer' as opposed to a 'do-gooder' (you get my meaning) and whilst I accept you don't need to be a believer to be / do good, he represents (IMO) the vast majority of  all 'people of faith' - certainly more than ISIS / IRA / UFF and the like, who try to legitimise their violence behind the fig leaf of religion and grab all the (shit) PR for their 'religions'.


As such I can't accept this isn't most peoples day-to-day interaction with religion and therefore, how can these people possibly be characterised as the root of all evil?

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The Pope? The IRA who were Catholics? Christian Bishop nonces? All of these groups and more besides believe that there is only one God, who is three-in-one ("Trinity"): Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And both agree that Jesus is God the Son in human flesh.

Joking aside, it would be ridiculous to suggest that every Muslim is a murdering terrorist or that every Christian is a nonce, but they are both influenced by a 'God' and the very same god and its ideals, and almost everything that they do and choose to do is in the name of their religion, and not themselves. They don't do this, or they won't do that, because of their 'God'

'IF' their be a God, a real God, then there can only be the one, but which one is it? Allah, A Christian God? A Catholic God? Spok?

Your neighbour, needs no GOD to be a good man. He either is, or he is not good, and it was no God who makes his choice, and so why the label? Would he be a bad man if he was atheist? Is a God, responsible for his goodness? Is it fuck.

My neighbours are good people and cause no problems, unlike my mate who is registered disabled and has a marked parking bay along his road, his neighbour is a thick cunt. On Sunday he took a dislike to someone who has parked a van in his usual spot he uses so the daft cunt pulls up with a tin of white paint, whites out the disabled sign and then paints a white block over the dis in disabled. The thicko thinks he can now legally park there due to the bay being marked as abled, unfortunately for him the council are not impressed and its all on cctv.

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As if 'empirical evidence' is all that counts.


 You can't come up with empirical evidence. That's a fact.  As long as you can't come up with any,  people like me won't accept the notion of a "god".


You need no empirical evidence for thoughts, emotions, dreams or imagination. It's alright to put "him" into this category as long works for you.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I always smile at the door and tell them that I do not beleive in the supernatural. They dont like being called that as that is what they call things like witches and fairies, which of course are not real to them like their god is.
If that doesn't work then they get told to fuck off in a very rude way.

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I wish to state that I did not mean to offend anyone who is religious, I was stating my views that I think it is a cunt and as such is up for nomination on cunts corner and ensuing debate. I'm not trying to force my atheist views on anyone, but struggle for the life of me to fathom how anyone can subscribe wholeheartedly to an entity unable to be proven in anyway factual after all this time and our advances in science that seem to contra its plausibility. Each to their own and I would love to be proven wrong on this one as I will find out before you cunts as I'm old.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I never mean to upset religious people with my atheism, however for three years I was sent to a UK Christian faith boarding school and I was brought up a church going god fearing good Christian choirboy. It was during these enforced sessions in church that I really listened to the word they were spreading. It made me realise that I had been told to bear all the sins of man all the way back to Adam's original sin. To tell a young child that man is wicked and cannot be trusted to make decisions without god and we must beg his forgiveness, as we were "not worthy to gather up the crumbs from under thy table oh lord". We must bow our heads in surfdom and slavery, as it was gods will that those in charge were there and as such we were sinning against god by disobeying them. That is when the penny dropped and I bravely told the fucking lot of them, god, Jesus, the priest, the pope and all the idiot sheeple that believed in any god to royally do one and fuck off.

Letting go of god was the best thing I had ever done. I no longer live in fear of something that is not there. It was like letting go of an immense turd that had been waiting to come out for a very long time. The relief of letting go of god was almost better than sex.

If you still believe in it and you are frightened to let religion go from your life you should try it. It is a much more uplifting experience than the delusional quasi-religious experiences you think you are having 'talking to god'.

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I never mean to upset religious people with my atheism, however for three years I was sent to a UK Christian faith boarding school and I was brought up a church going god fearing good Christian choirboy. It was during these enforced sessions in church that I really listened to the word they were spreading. It made me realise that I had been told to bear all the sins of man all the way back to Adam's original sin. To tell a young child that man is wicked and cannot be trusted to make decisions without god and we must beg his forgiveness, as we were "not worthy to gather up the crumbs from under thy table oh lord". We must bow our heads in surfdom and slavery, as it was gods will that those in charge were there and as such we were sinning against god by disobeying them. That is when the penny dropped and I bravely told the fucking lot of them, god, Jesus, the priest, the pope and all the idiot sheeple that believed in any god to royally do one and fuck off.

Letting go of god was the best thing I had ever done. I no longer live in fear of something that is not there. It was like letting go of an immense turd that had been waiting to come out for a very long time. The relief of letting go of god was almost better than sex.

If you still believe in it and you are frightened to let religion go from your life you should try it. It is a much more uplifting experience than the delusional quasi-religious experiences you think you are having 'talking to god'.

Double disabled toilet.
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