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Lewis Hamilton's ear studs.

Guest ducunti

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Guest judgetwi

Studs or no studs i can't stand this flash, tax dodging cheating cunt. I know fuck all about the massive bore that is F1 but apparently his fellow drivers think he is a right cunt and that's good enough for me.

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There's still tickets available for the women's football at Wembley. I know it's all seated these days but you can still book a stand for yourself. Bunch of common slags with odd lezzer and they do just as much diving as the homo men do. Pathetic.

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There's still tickets available for the women's football at Wembley. I know it's all seated these days but you can still book a stand for yourself. Bunch of common slags with odd lezzer and they do just as much diving as the homo men do. Pathetic.

During my younger days I wasn't as discerning in my choice of female companion. Basically I'd fuck anything. I wanted a piece of one of the lesser dykey looking players on the local women's football team and took up her offer of a camping trip. Just me her and a couple of Sandi Toksvigs. The dirty cunts spent three days sweating profusely kicking a ball about, with not one sponge bath between them for the entire time. On our last night, the lesser dyke forced its way into my tent, declaring tonight was my lucky night, and promptly dropped its unisex briefs... Never have my nasal passages been so viciously and brutally assaulted. The smell emanating from it was akin to a pigs bladder stuffed full of cat sick and 50 day old rotting mackerel, which had subsequently been left to marinate for a month in pool of raw sewage. Needless to say its the only time I've ever turned down sex.... Apart from the PM Frank sent a few weeks back, a filthy proposition involving two litres of olive oil, a tub of taramasalata and a broken fridge magnet depicting the island of Lesbos.
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During my younger days I wasn't as discerning in my choice of female companion. Basically I'd fuck anything. I wanted a piece of one of the lesser dykey looking players on the local women's football team and took up her offer of a camping trip. Just me her and a couple of Sandi Toksvigs. The dirty cunts spent three days sweating profusely kicking a ball about, with not one sponge bath between them for the entire time. On our last night, the lesser dyke forced its way into my tent, declaring tonight was my lucky night, and promptly dropped its unisex briefs... Never have my nasal passages been so viciously and brutally assaulted. The smell emanating from it was akin to a pigs bladder stuffed full of cat sick and 50 day old rotting mackerel, which had subsequently been left to marinate for a month in pool of raw sewage. Needless to say its the only time I've ever turned down sex.... Apart from the PM Frank sent a few weeks back, a filthy proposition involving two litres of olive oil, a tub of taramasalata and a broken fridge magnet depicting the island of Lesbos.


This is all becoming too much, Tot. Can I come back now?

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I guess you've paid your debt to society Zorbs, so yes, you can return.



I guess you've paid your debt to society Zorbs, so yes, you can return.


I go away for a couple of weeks and you start posting tenfold. Why not make it bloody obvious... you silly old four-by-two. I couldn't stay away... someone has to keep the fucking jazz cunt in check.

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During my younger days I wasn't as discerning in my choice of female companion. Basically I'd fuck anything. I wanted a piece of one of the lesser dykey looking players on the local women's football team and took up her offer of a camping trip. Just me her and a couple of Sandi Toksvigs. The dirty cunts spent three days sweating profusely kicking a ball about, with not one sponge bath between them for the entire time. On our last night, the lesser dyke forced its way into my tent, declaring tonight was my lucky night, and promptly dropped its unisex briefs... Never have my nasal passages been so viciously and brutally assaulted. The smell emanating from it was akin to a pigs bladder stuffed full of cat sick and 50 day old rotting mackerel, which had subsequently been left to marinate for a month in pool of raw sewage. Needless to say its the only time I've ever turned down sex.... Apart from the PM Frank sent a few weeks back, a filthy proposition involving two litres of olive oil, a tub of taramasalata and a broken fridge magnet depicting the island of Lesbos.

You sound a bit picky to me.
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Guest Alfie Noakes

He was brought up on a council estate in Swindon? Surely an ideal training ground for a Grand Prix driver..... Pinching cars and avoiding police.

Wasnt that good at avoiding the police recently though.
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  • 7 months later...

Studs or no studs i can't stand this flash, tax dodging cheating cunt. I know fuck all about the massive bore that is F1 but apparently his fellow drivers think he is a right cunt and that's good enough for me.

Studs, cheating and tax dodging aside, imagine the atmosphere tomorrow at Silverstone if he was a fully blown caucasian. 

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Every time i see Hamilton and all those other cunt wannabe home boys dripping with diamonds i wonder how many Africans died in the process of putting those precious stones around their fucking person.

Hateful cunts. What`s wrong with cubic zirconia you millionaire bastards?  








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