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Jeremy Vine

camberwell gypsy

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I usually have to do a bit of driving during the early part of the afternoon and like listening to the radio. Now I've given up on commercial radio because of too many adverts and too many prick DJs who like the sound of their own voices and also because tehir playlist usually run to the same bloody records everyday. So step up Radio2! Here is a station that has no adverts and can play more music per hour of a wide variety than any of the commercial stations. Unfortunately, this has now been ruined by this squirrel faced twat. He ruins his programme with interviewing non-entities about topics such as the NHS, the economy, politics blah, blah, blah Zzzzzzzzzzzz!

After a decent record has been played we then hear his whiny voice bang on about some banal nonsense and then lo and behold, he has some boring bastard to talk about that topic. If the BBC (British Broadcasting Communists) want this sort of thing, shove it over to Radio 4 because thats what its there for and let a gal like me listen to some decent music that I can turn up loud to drown out the kids moaning

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This is the way wars begin. Catholics and Protestants. Sunni and Shi ite. High caste and Low caste. Ostensibly the same but actually at each others throats 24/7.


I'm nailing my colours to THIS thread and am introducing a summary fatwah on anyone who post on the other thread!


Beheading is too good for you heretics!

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He looks like the sort of cunt who sits hunched over to catch his own shit before it hits the water so he can admire it, turning it over and over in his hands before, with the faintest little sigh, finally letting it fall and reluctantly flushing. I might just be imagining that, of course, but where there's smoke there's fire...

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Great; Vine isn't on today because he was up allnight presenting the scottish referendum. They'll have wall to wall music on Radio2 this lunchtime. No such fucking luck. All they are going on about is the result and having a shitload of stuffed shirts talking about where scotland goes next. FFS!!!!!

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  • 6 months later...
Guest Bill Stickers

Sorry to bump an old topic you 'orrible cunts, also on matters relating to the radio, but this bloke is the biggest cunt going.

It still annoys me when I think about him covering the Scottish referendum, and their potential re-admittance into the EU (full of cunts) as a new member state.


The cunt had bought in an expert on the EU, and the conversation went something like this:

"Well, if Scotland can just be fast tracked straight into the EU as a new member, why not Romania? Won't the Romanians demand entry into the EU?"

To which the poor confused cunt he was talking to said "Romania is already in the EU."

"OK then, why not Slovenia then? Won't they be able to just join the EU?"

"They are also in the EU Jeremy"


Now, I'm not going to get into a conversation about whether these type of countries should be allowed into the EU, regardless of whether all the inhabitants are cunts who think a Soviet-era tractors are the height of technology. People who argue about the EU online are just intolerable cunts.

What I do object to is someone who is such an uneducated cunt being given a national platform over which they can spout their deplorably unfounded views. If I was told I had to chair a debate on the EU, the first fucking thing I'd do is tell the cunt asking me to fuck off.

If that failed, I'd make damn sure I didn't make an utter cunt out of myself, and do a little bit of research on the topic to be discussed. Everyone appreciates a loose cannon who goes in blind, but Vine couldn't run a bath, let alone a debate on international politics. Cunt.


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He looks like the sort of cunt who sits hunched over to catch his own shit before it hits the water so he can admire it, turning it over and over in his hands before, with the faintest little sigh, finally letting it fall and reluctantly flushing. I might just be imagining that, of course, but where there's smoke there's fire...

​Betting is he has one of the kraut type toilets with the shelf  where you can inspect,sniff and generally give your log a good coat of looking at before flushing.

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He looks like the sort of cunt who sits hunched over to catch his own shit before it hits the water so he can admire it, turning it over and over in his hands before, with the faintest little sigh, finally letting it fall and reluctantly flushing. I might just be imagining that, of course, but where there's smoke there's fire...

​Betting is he has one of the kraut type toilets with the shelf  where you can inspect,sniff and generally give your log a good coat of looking at before flushing.

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  • 8 months later...

It seems that Jeremy was reported to the BBC under the equality and diversity code.

His crime?

Saying he had man-flu live on air and a listener complained. I'll bet the cunt shit himself!

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Guest Bill Stickers
20 minutes ago, MikeD said:

It seems that Jeremy was reported to the BBC under the equality and diversity code.

His crime?

Saying he had man-flu live on air and a listener complained. I'll bet the cunt shit himself!

He's said far more uninformed, bigoted, infuriating things than that.

In fact, that must rank among his most intellectual, thought-provoking statements. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
On 17 September 2014 at 13:52:26, camberwell gypsy said:

I usually have to do a bit of driving during the early part of the afternoon and like listening to the radio. Now I've given up on commercial radio because of too many adverts and too many prick DJs who like the sound of their own voices and also because tehir playlist usually run to the same bloody records everyday. So step up Radio2! Here is a station that has no adverts and can play more music per hour of a wide variety than any of the commercial stations. Unfortunately, this has now been ruined by this squirrel faced twat. He ruins his programme with interviewing non-entities about topics such as the NHS, the economy, politics blah, blah, blah Zzzzzzzzzzzz!

After a decent record has been played we then hear his whiny voice bang on about some banal nonsense and then lo and behold, he has some boring bastard to talk about that topic. If the BBC (British Broadcasting Communists) want this sort of thing, shove it over to Radio 4 because thats what its there for and let a gal like me listen to some decent music that I can turn up loud to drown out the kids moaning

Gypo, though I've had no cause to  approach you in the past about this sort of shite and, me being such a gent, and you a lady and a generous sort,  theres been no call for it.

However, I've just received a slating from Cunts I still beleive to be in the wrong over what was too funny for their tiny minds to comprehend, but anyway, it might have been a little long.

It is on this ground alone I with much gusto suggest the next post you produce resembles less a vertical stripe of drab grey paint and more individual words and sentences some cunt can be fucked reading.

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30 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Gypo, though I've had no cause to  approach you in the past about this sort of shite and, me being such a gent, and you a lady and a generous sort,  theres been no call for it.

However, I've just received a slating from Cunts I still beleive to be in the wrong over what was too funny for their tiny minds to comprehend, but anyway, it might have been a little long.

It is on this ground alone I with much gusto suggest the next post you produce resembles less a vertical stripe of drab grey paint and more individual words and sentences some cunt can be fucked reading.

Oh what like this one you mean?

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
On 31 March 2015 at 15:11:18, Bill Stickers said:

Sorry to bump an old topic you 'orrible cunts, also on matters relating to the radio, but this bloke is the biggest cunt going.

It still annoys me when I think about him covering the Scottish referendum, and their potential re-admittance into the EU (full of cunts) as a new member state.


The cunt had bought in an expert on the EU, and the conversation went something like this:

"Well, if Scotland can just be fast tracked straight into the EU as a new member, why not Romania? Won't the Romanians demand entry into the EU?"

To which the poor confused cunt he was talking to said "Romania is already in the EU."

"OK then, why not Slovenia then? Won't they be able to just join the EU?"

"They are also in the EU Jeremy"


Now, I'm not going to get into a conversation about whether these type of countries should be allowed into the EU, regardless of whether all the inhabitants are cunts who think a Soviet-era tractors are the height of technology. People who argue about the EU online are just intolerable cunts.

What I do object to is someone who is such an uneducated cunt being given a national platform over which they can spout their deplorably unfounded views. If I was told I had to chair a debate on the EU, the first fucking thing I'd do is tell the cunt asking me to fuck off.

If that failed, I'd make damn sure I didn't make an utter cunt out of myself, and do a little bit of research on the topic to be discussed. Everyone appreciates a loose cannon who goes in blind, but Vine couldn't run a bath, let alone a debate on international politics. Cunt.


More like this shite. Fucking loads of  shite words like "is a when on but it dildo" and not enough like "cunt fucking utter shite faggot Gurt anal".

Drab paint drying shite. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Oh what like this one you mean?

Fucking 3 likes for barely more words. Bet you call your mum when you want a marshmallow from the other comfy seat. One would think the whale Quincy is having his flanks nipped by the sprats he usually filters and shites out into the sea.

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1 hour ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Fucking 3 likes for barely more words. Bet you call your mum when you want a marshmallow from the other comfy seat. One would think the whale Quincy is having his flanks nipped by the sprats he usually filters and shites out into the sea.

Wish I knew what you are talking about

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
6 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

He's said far more uninformed, bigoted, infuriating things than that.

In fact, that must rank among his most intellectual, thought-provoking statements. 

Utter gay shit.

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Guest Bill Stickers
2 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

More like this shite. Fucking loads of  shite words like "is a when on but it dildo" and not enough like "cunt fucking utter shite faggot Gurt anal".

Drab paint drying shite. 

Incomprehensible bollocks from a man whose house is 3 deep in cans of special brew. 

Before approx 6 pm you are an articulate, funny bloke. After that time you become an urchin of the highest calibre worthy of a botched euthanasia.

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