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DNA Evidence


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I see a lecturer in molecular biology at Liverpool John Moores reckons he has DNA evidence that proves once and for all that Jack The Ripper was an immigrant named Aaron Kosminski.


Fucking Polacks, coming over, here killing our prostitutes...!


Your tweet is rubbish.

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It's not a "tweet", you spacktacular retard. If you want something ornithological, though, I'll be happy to do a blood eagle on you.


What's with all this "your tweet" bollocks you keep coming out with, you stupid cunt?

Why do I have a duo of nasty tweets?


All I said - sort of, was I don't believe that jacker the ripper did it.

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Fuck off cunt face, I hope you french kiss a wood chipper.

Another shite tweet from a tiny boy who ‘fesses up to playing in his mother's b-room - do you wear her hi-heels & lipstick you sad, elasticated pile OF snot.

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Even if you clean up all your DNA (not wanking at the crime scene helps as well), the bastards can use your RNA to find you. Or the selfie you took standing over the corpse and put on Facebook.

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I went on the ripper walk looking for prostitutes but none of them accepted a personal cheque or a bunch of grapes as payment the uptight cunts. Poor old Grumps had had a fat and fuck all to do.

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Guest KuntaCunty

Shit planet - you X atmospheric turd gone to seed.


Would you please stop flooding every topic thread with your whinging bollocks?  You know how to multi-quote, so use it, or fuck off! 

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Guest Ahriman

The Ripper was an East European?
How times change,now most of the hookers are East European crack whores.

It's a fucking disgrace I tell ya. British whores for British Perverts, Vote Ukip.

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Guest ducunti

I was reading somewhere there is strong evidence the culprit could of been H H Holmes one of the USA's most notorius serial killers who was allegedly in this country at the time of the killings, then again I wouldn't rule out Ed Milliband.

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It turns out this Polish Ripper cunt was a hairdresser.

So,he was a hairdresser,killed women and probably watched football.

Obviously a homosexualist.

Anyway,where were all our serial killers in those days? On fucking holiday the sunbathing cunts?

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