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People who are questioning Australias' Asylum Policy


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I personally think it fucking works a treat. Can we 'Cut and Paste' into UK policy or at least import some sharks, jellyfish and other shit that can kill you to swim around our coastline just to make it a bit more challenging for them.

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Guest JackoTC

They seem to be the only one's who have got it right. The PC brigade will fuck it all up for them given time and it will be another country ruined to suit those cunts that cant look after themselves. 

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Guest judgetwi

This is a tiny fucking island for fucks sake! How difficult could it be to keep unwanted cunts out if we really wanted to? The fact is the cunts in positions of power don't want to. This is not just incompetence, it is a deliberate policy. The Establishment in this cuntry are far more "internationalist" than any communist i have ever heard of. Yeah, come to Britain and fill our fat pockets with your cheap labour. We don't care if your are a criminal or using up the public resources you haven't paid for because we are rich and we don't pay for it either. Yeah, come on in you bastards! Don't worry about the average cunt in the street, he will vote for us anyway the muggy cunt.

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This is a tiny fucking island for fucks sake! How difficult could it be to keep unwanted cunts out if we really wanted to? The fact is the cunts in positions of power don't want to. This is not just incompetence, it is a deliberate policy. The Establishment in this cuntry are far more "internationalist" than any communist i have ever heard of. Yeah, come to Britain and fill our fat pockets with your cheap labour. We don't care if your are a criminal or using up the public resources you haven't paid for because we are rich and we don't pay for it either. Yeah, come on in you bastards! Don't worry about the average cunt in the street, he will vote for us anyway the muggy cunt.

Judge has said this on multiple occasions about politicians in general. I am inclined to agree with him. I fucking detest the supposed " intellectual" superiority of their august debates. They are so disconnected from the public that they cannot share our legitimate concerns plus, they have a total disregard for the opinions of the voting public. We need to remember this at election time.
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Judge has said this on multiple occasions about politicians in general. I am inclined to agree with him. I fucking detest the supposed " intellectual" superiority of their august debates. They are so disconnected from the public that they cannot share our legitimate concerns plus, they have a total disregard for the opinions of the voting public. We need to remember this at election time.

Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.” Mark Twain

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Im in Australia visiting the family and the bleeding hearts over here are up in arms over the way the illegals are being treated. Fucking soft as shit human rights activists can go and fuck themselves! As soon as these cunts rock up, they are put on the next military ship and fucked back off to where they came from. It is a cracking idea but the bleeding hearts will fuck it right up for them. Cunts they are and need to be shot on sight.

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  • 1 year later...
On 22 August 2014 at 8:10 AM, Guest said:

I personally think it fucking works a treat. Can we 'Cut and Paste' into UK policy or at least import some sharks, jellyfish and other shit that can kill you to swim around our coastline just to make it a bit more challenging for them.

We will be out of Europe soon then we can adopt this...


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Guest luke swarm
3 minutes ago, Punkape said:

We will be out of Europe soon then we can adopt this...


now that is genuinely funny....be careful what you wish for,if we go out of Europe you will then have no choice whether to do the sat/sun shift at the Lidl store because you will no longer have a minimum wage. 

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Guest BrothersQuim
20 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

now that is genuinely funny....be careful what you wish for,if we go out of Europe you will then have no choice whether to do the sat/sun shift at the Lidl store because you will no longer have a minimum wage. 

At least it'll keep the grassing, multi quoting, tedious twat preoccupied and not reviving dead threads here. Always a silver lining as they say.

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