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Fitness freaks


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Up at the crack of dawn to run, protein shakes for lunch, gym after work, poached lettuce for dinner, push ups and power wank before bed, looks at self in mirror for two hours daily, looks down nose at everyone with inferior fitness levels, dies of cancer at fifty without actually ever living but makes for a lovely corpse.



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Guest KuntaCunty

Up at the crack of dawn to run, protein shakes for lunch, gym after work, poached lettuce for dinner, push ups and power wank before bed, looks at self in mirror for two hours daily, looks down nose at everyone with inferior fitness levels, dies of cancer at fifty without actually ever living but makes for a lovely corpse.


Cancer works well for these cunts, but I prefer their demise seasoned with irony.  For example, Jim Fixx, who was considered by many a fitness god and the guru on running, died of a massive heart attack while running.  So much for those Nike, Reebok, Adidas, or other shoe endorsements.  These fuckers really are a bunch of up their own arse cunts. 

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Cancer works well for these cunts, but I prefer their demise seasoned with irony.  For example, Jim Fixx, who was considered by many a fitness god and the guru on running, died of a massive heart attack while running.  So much for those Nike, Reebok, Adidas, or other shoe endorsements.  These fuckers really are a bunch of up their own arse cunts.

Yeah, the cunt was also a heavy smoker. No, I don't understand it either. I've seen these preachy fuckers all my life. :Don't do as I do ... Do as I say: ignore the fact that exercise is the latest addiction after drugs and alcohol. It's like : My life's fallen apart but I can run a half marathon. My observation? Too much of anything is unhealthy, look after your knees... We 're all gonna die!
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Up at the crack of dawn to run, protein shakes for lunch, gym after work, poached lettuce for dinner, push ups and power wank before bed, looks at self in mirror for two hours daily, looks down nose at everyone with inferior fitness levels, dies of cancer at fifty without actually ever living but makes for a lovely corpse.

Don't let the cunts ever try to poach my lettuces .. I'll have their fingers off.

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As opposed to being a generic Barbapapa, rolling about the place like the boulder in Indiana Jones, before dying of a heart attack, not in their 40's but in their eighties after bleeding the NHS dry looking after their diabetes, hip replacement, gastric band ('because I'm big-boned, not really a fatty at all') and chronic halitosis.

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As opposed to being a generic Barbapapa, rolling about the place like the boulder in Indiana Jones, before dying of a heart attack, not in their 40's but in their eighties after bleeding the NHS dry looking after their diabetes, hip replacement, gastric band ('because I'm big-boned, not really a fatty at all') and chronic halitosis.

Doughnuts with halitosis ....... and a limp. It sounds like Merthyr again.
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As opposed to being a generic Barbapapa, rolling about the place like the boulder in Indiana Jones, before dying of a heart attack, not in their 40's but in their eighties after bleeding the NHS dry looking after their diabetes, hip replacement, gastric band ('because I'm big-boned, not really a fatty at all') and chronic halitosis.

I have got big bones. Nearly lost my fingers taking them off my neighbour's Staffie.

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As opposed to being a generic Barbapapa, rolling about the place like the boulder in Indiana Jones, before dying of a heart attack, not in their 40's but in their eighties after bleeding the NHS dry looking after their diabetes, hip replacement, gastric band ('because I'm big-boned, not really a fatty at all') and chronic halitosis.

Good point. They're "green" as well, grazing through a few leaves and mung beans a day, and running to & from work instead of taking the 4x4. And if a dread diesease hasn't carried them off by forty they have the decency to top themselves at the first sign of a wrinkle anyway. Best of all, you'll never meet the boring cunts down the pub or the kebab shop.

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Guest ducunti

We have one of them trendy shitholes called Virgin Active not too far away from us. These places seem to put these fucking great windows in the gym so every fucker driving past can see what a load of posing strange weird cunts use their establishment. Why fucking go there to ride a fucking static bike, use the extortionate amounts of money they charge to buy a decent bike and ride the roads, preferably one with a large engine. 

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We have one of them trendy shitholes called Virgin Active not too far away from us. These places seem to put these fucking great windows in the gym so every fucker driving past can see what a load of posing strange weird cunts use their establishment. Why fucking go there to ride a fucking static bike, use the extortionate amounts of money they charge to buy a decent bike and ride the roads, preferably one with a large engine.

It's active virgins that got Rolf in deep shit. Don't these cunts read newspapers?
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Exactly no fucking point to all this shit. When I was a boy (or a little bit younger) I could bench press 320 lbs and squat with 380 lbs. I guess I carried the weekly shopping to the car with ease but what is the fucking point of being able to lift all this weight. None whatsoever!!. But I ate tins of fish and downed raw eggs like they were going out of fashion. None of those fancy protein shakes and bollocks like that and certainly no illegal chemicals like these modern day poofters. Go fuck yourself.

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These cunts annoy the shite out of me too. The prick that had my job before me was a fitness arsehole - running, jumping, walking everywhere when there were cars available. Fuckwit died at 43 of a massive heart attack! OK we all should not be bloaters, the moral is moderation in exercise, quit eating shite foods excessively and drink sensibly. How the fuck do you drink sensibly though?
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Guest KuntaCunty

Did Jim fix it for him then?


I've not heard of any savillery from Mr Fixx, that's not to say it didn't happen.  You have to wonder why anybody would want to run for such lengthy time periods if not chasing after a young, quick, and agile young person.

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Guest JackoTC

Everything in moderation, exercise, diet, wanking, water sports, fisting, chav bashing well that's something i need to do more of.

Who are you fucking kidding Fends ? You wank in moderation ?

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Guest JackoTC

These cunts annoy the shite out of me too. The prick that had my job before me was a fitness arsehole - running, jumping, walking everywhere when there were cars available. Fuckwit died at 43 of a massive heart attack! OK we all should not be bloaters, the moral is moderation in exercise, quit eating shite foods excessively and drink sensibly. How the fuck do you drink sensibly though?

You don't. Send me down some Buckie when you get a chance will you. I miss it. Hard to find it down South despite the fact its made here.

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Guest JackoTC

Of course i do, i'm a lot older than i used to be, just five times a day now, 1. Wake up wank, 2. Lunchtime wank, i find a suitable shithouse when at work, 3. After dinner wank, 4. After supper wank & 5. Nightcap wank.

You're an Athlete my friend - nothing less. A dedicated professional. I've got to admire your balls.

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