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Muslim cunts beheading cunts.


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The news has reported a US journalist was beheaded after being held captive for two years by those ISIS muslim cunts in retaliation for America bombing fuck out of their strongholds. Now fuck me swinging, beheading people is not really the best way to go about getting America to call its dogs off is it? Now I am not a fan of America as I have stated many times in the past, but this a stretch to far to go about loping heads off poor cunts who have committed no wrong. Maybe we should send Keith over to negotiate with them or as a one man assault party with his katana in a batman suit. At least if he's captured the cunts would be hard pressed to decapitate him as his chin fat would be like trying to cut through a mattress with a butter knife.

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Guest KuntaCunty

The news has reported a US journalist was beheaded after being held captive for two years by those ISIS muslim cunts in retaliation for America bombing fuck out of their strongholds. Now fuck me swinging, beheading people is not really the best way to go about getting America to call its dogs off is it? Now I am not a fan of America as I have stated many times in the past, but this a stretch to far to go about loping heads off poor cunts who have committed no wrong. Maybe we should send Keith over to negotiate with them or as a one man assault party with his katana in a batman suit. At least if he's captured the cunts would be hard pressed to decapitate him as his chin fat would be like trying to cut through a mattress with a butter knife.


Send an army of Bronies, with Keith as their general, all armed with tablet computing devices, playing the fedora's are awesome clip on repeat, whilst clad in said batsuit, katana's and their own fedoras...ISIS would set themselves on fire before opening fire on special needs children.  Air drop some plushies with semen stains and IED's, and the middle east situation would be sorted in a matter of weeks.

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Guest Snatch

Get the fucking journos and every other cunt out of there first.

Then carpet bomb the fucking place. If they want war give them a war and stop fannying around with the cunts.

It's all PC this and PC that,let's sit at a table and talk.

Fuck off.

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We could have wiped these scum-fucks out in one fell swoop, if we'd grown a pair of proper geezer-bollocks and nuked seven shades of cunt out of the extremist wankers with germ-tipped rockets out in the desert. Two Tornados, two flight paths and back home for a six-pack of Buds and a wank off the missus before tea. It's not fuckin rocket science.

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Guest KuntaCunty

I think I would like to see their home soil desecrated and defaced in such a way that it would send the extremist cock suckers into a fit of rage so great,t hey drop dead in their tracks.  Load every long range bomber and anything that can deliver a payload, loaded with melted pig fat.  Bacon grease, lard, rendered swine flesh, anything to do with pigs, and just drop it all on their precious holy land.  Dig out of that, cunts!  All food, water, medicines, hospitals, everything is knee deep in pork fat. 

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We could have wiped these scum-fucks out in one fell swoop, if we'd grown a pair of proper geezer-bollocks and nuked seven shades of cunt out of the extremist wankers with germ-tipped rockets out in the desert. Two Tornados, two flight paths and back home for a six-pack of Buds and a wank off the missus before tea. It's not fuckin rocket science.

Well it is rocket science rev. Because it be rockets they fire. Silly!

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No need for the Napalm of Pork


A few thousand leaflets of the Prophet Mohammed showing him doing...well....pretty much anything you like. Get Brony to brainstorm a few ideas with the 'creatives' on this one. I guarantee he'll come up with something so offensive, each and every one of the savage cunts will have the aneurism they so richly deserve.

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Guest ducunti

Arrange the next Gay Pride bash in Northern Iraq then bomb the cunts with pig carcasses full of high explosive then a few tons of cheap whiskey to fuel the fire. That should piss them off.

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Guest JackoTC

I wish the news would just fuck off about the whole thing. I just read a report which says "60% of UK citizens feel threatened by terrorism" - what a load of fuckin bollocks. I've got more chance of being killed by an angry turtle than a fuckin terrorist. Rural Cambridgeshire is a terror free zone you cunts. Full of nasty bastard turtles though.

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I wish the news would just fuck off about the whole thing. I just read a report which says "60% of UK citizens feel threatened by terrorism" - what a load of fuckin bollocks. I've got more chance of being killed by an angry turtle than a fuckin terrorist. Rural Cambridgeshire is a terror free zone you cunts. Full of nasty bastard turtles though.

Cowabunga, dude!

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  • 3 months later...
Guest JackoTC

London ain't though, Jacko.

I suppose if its going to happen, then London would again be the first port of call to release a deadly plague or batch of poisoned "Smart Water". Got given a free bottle of this at Kings X last week. That would be a great way to spread a potential terrorist zombie virus. Still in the fridge. Will get SheJacko to drink it and see what happens.

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Guest nobgobbler

I wish the news would just fuck off about the whole thing. I just read a report which says "60% of UK citizens feel threatened by terrorism" - what a load of fuckin bollocks. I've got more chance of being killed by an angry turtle than a fuckin terrorist. Rural Cambridgeshire is a terror free zone you cunts. Full of nasty bastard turtles though.

Here in the Yorkshire Wolds we are more likely to be killed by an infected duck. Which is a cunt because we usually have duck for our christmas dinner. I'd be willing to serve up a well roasted terrorist instead though. 

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Here in the Yorkshire Wolds we are more likely to be killed by an infected duck. Which is a cunt because we usually have duck for our christmas dinner. I'd be willing to serve up a well roasted terrorist instead though. 

Tinned fuckin turkey-spam more like... you dirty old shlaaaaaag

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