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Racist Reporting


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The cunting press are at it again fuelling the flames of hatred with "White policeman shoots dead black youth". As far as i'm aware a policeman has shot dead a youth. It is reported the youth had attempted to remove some produce from a store and avoid paying and therefore it would be reasonable to expect some intervention by the police. What difference should it make if one was white and one was black?? Some cunt has done something wrong and along comes another cunt who is employed to make sure people behave.

Somehow I don't imagine this would have had no where near the same reaction if the policeman had  the same colour skin as the unfortunate victim.

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It happened in America. They seem to be good at this sort of thing.

Too fucking true. In fact, in an attempt to demonstrate that the first robbing cunt was not shot purely for his colour the police have only gone and offed another gentleman of colour in the same town tonight in similar circumstances. That sort of commitment to community relations should calm things down considerably.

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Too fucking true. In fact, in an attempt to demonstrate that the first robbing cunt was not shot purely for his colour the police have only gone and offed another gentleman of colour in the same town tonight in similar circumstances. That sort of commitment to community relations should calm things down considerably.

I think the boys in the hood are currently burning down the local police station in gratitude.
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Too fucking true. In fact, in an attempt to demonstrate that the first robbing cunt was not shot purely for his colour the police have only gone and offed another gentleman of colour in the same town tonight in similar circumstances. That sort of commitment to community relations should calm things down considerably.

It's a black day for the town-folk of St Louis.
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Fantastic nom Drew. It should not matter if your black, white, or fucking fluorescent pink if you do the wrong thing, expect to get shot. Fucking racist reporting like this will only serve to push the divide further apart. As It happened in America I hope they kill each other in civil war 2. 

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Guest judgetwi

I think we know who the racists are here. Even in America you are not supposed to shoot at a cunt unless he presents a danger to the police officer or members of the public. An unarmed man is hardly a danger to an armed police officer, still less is it justified to pump 6 shots into him including 2 in the head. Still, why let the facts get in the way of a bit of prejudiced ranting?

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It was reported that after he took two in the head, the felon said, "It's only a flesh-wound. Running away, eh? You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your fuckin' legs off". The knights who say "Ni" were cunts.

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Guest Snatch

Cops have guns and are sometimes trigger happy.

Don't go committing crimes and you won't get shot by the law. It's not rocket science.

Anyway,that's besides the point. The point of the nom here is racist reporting and yes I agree,the press do tend to incite racism.

It sells papers.

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The press are always happy to churn out a few lines of gratuitous racism before throwing in a few spurious facts in an attempt to authenicate the article. There do seem to be two different versions of the story. The one where a guy robs a store, is apprehended by a police officer, the guy pulls out a gun and the police shoot to kill. Three in the chest is survivable apparently but not two in the head. In a civilised society it is normally left up to the courts to decide a person's gilt or innocence and give pounishment if required. It is not the job of a police officer to be judge and jury especially when the suspect has not committed a crime.

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Guest ducunti

Im surprised Peckham and Tottenham haven't gone up in sympathy.  Mind you august is a dead period for looting: too late for holiday gear and too early for christmas!

Still that back to school clothing to pick up though, but I suppose they can send the kids out for that.

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