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Being told to hang out with people my own age

Guest Keith Lard

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Guest Keith Lard

So I was back from my anime convention in America and I put together my film I took with my camcorder. When I showed this to my Dad he told me to stop hanging around with people half my age and that I'm going fishing with his mates next weekend. This is so fucking unfair, how would my Dad's mates know about Ranma 1/2 and Boku no Pico when I talk to them?


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Jesus fucking Fuck, Bronski. Those cunts in that video need educating with a fucking post-hammer and a dimpled pint tumbler. Don't you know it's probably illegal at your age to be "hanging out of cunts half your age"? Is your surname Clifford?

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Guest Keith Lard

Jesus fucking Fuck, Bronski. Those cunts in that video need educating with a fucking post-hammer and a dimpled pint tumbler. Don't you know it's probably illegal at your age to be "hanging out of cunts half your age"? Is your surname Clifford?


I mean hanging out with, stupid typo!

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Guest Ahriman

So I was back from my anime convention in America and I put together my film I took with my camcorder. When I showed this to my Dad he told me to stop hanging around with people half my age and that I'm going fishing with his mates next weekend. This is so fucking unfair, how would my Dad's mates would about Ranma 1/2 and Boku no Pico when I talk to them?


Nuke the fucking freaks from orbit!

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Back in my day, cunts like these would have been beaten senseless with a sack of door hinges and marched out of town, Is this for real? do cunts like this actually exist?? I need to be given emergency executive powers to restore order to this rapidly degenerating world and in doing so would reduce the global population to a sustainable level by feeding cunts like this into Fenders bark stripper. The world is going mad.    

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Guest KuntaCunty

Back in my day, cunts like these would have been beaten senseless with a sack of door hinges and marched out of town, Is this for real? do cunts like this actually exist?? I need to be given emergency executive powers to restore order to this rapidly degenerating world and in doing so would reduce the global population to a sustainable level by feeding cunts like this into Fenders bark stripper. The world is going mad.    


What would you do to dispose of the sticky, lardy liquified remains oozing from the bark stripper and what was sent flying all over the surrounding land?  One hell of a toxic cleanup there, matey. 

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Back in my day, cunts like these would have been beaten senseless with a sack of door hinges and marched out of town, Is this for real? do cunts like this actually exist?? I need to be given emergency executive powers to restore order to this rapidly degenerating world and in doing so would reduce the global population to a sustainable level by feeding cunts like this into Fenders bark stripper. The world is going mad.    

This is the future Grumps embrace it.

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I can't get anywhere with anyone, own age or not. It is like I have time warped into the future.

Positive thinking is what you need Apple .. Think Positive, think of the future .. oh! :(

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Positive thinking is what you need Apple .. Think Positive, think of the future .. oh! :(

I am the king of wishful thinking that's for sure. I remember that advert that was on back in the 90's about PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) and that young kid pulls a shirt out of his bag that is dirty and says "Oh no my sandwiches"
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Guest Snatch

For fucks sake. What are the parents thinking letting their kids hang around like that. That girls voice is fucking annoying I could drown the cunt. And they wonder why there is so much gun crime in America.

As for the cunt that keeps saying "burn the witch",a good idea but let The Rev show you how its done.

Bring back the cane.

And hanging.

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Guest Snatch

Back in my day, cunts like these would have been beaten senseless with a sack of door hinges and marched out of town, Is this for real? do cunts like this actually exist?? I need to be given emergency executive powers to restore order to this rapidly degenerating world and in doing so would reduce the global population to a sustainable level by feeding cunts like this into Fenders bark stripper. The world is going mad.    

Unfortunately Grumpers this is the way of young cunts these days. Not enough discipline being handed out at home or school and this is the result. Fucking mongy cunts clogging up the place.

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Guest ducunti

Back in my day, cunts like these would have been beaten senseless with a sack of door hinges and marched out of town, Is this for real? do cunts like this actually exist?? I need to be given emergency executive powers to restore order to this rapidly degenerating world and in doing so would reduce the global population to a sustainable level by feeding cunts like this into Fenders bark stripper. The world is going mad.    

The bark stripper belongs to the Rev, Fend just borrows it to clean up after finishing with the claw hammer. Have you considered using the scoot for a touch of hang, draw and quartering.

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Was not sure if it was Rev or Fender's bark stripper Duc so I took a punt and fucked it up. A good hanging, drawing, and quartering by scooter sounds like a good option. I'll get cracking on the hemp rope now. I would of quoted you Duc but the fucking button wont work the cunt. Must be an abo.

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Guest Snatch

Yes, the bark stripper is the Rev's, i have enough of my own tools, a collection of well used hammers, demolition drill, templars sword, a victorian iron for that caved in head moment, a breaking wheel in the basement, a hatchet that i keep by the bed, a couple of nail guns, a pole driver, a jackhammer shotgun, a blow torch, some jars of acid and other chemicals in the shed, and my new weapon the knee smasher, which is a branch off the ash tree in my garden that i have carved to my liking, it has a handle and at the business end the letter c is carved, but i'm thinking about getting a bark stripper, the Rev's reviews are most enticing.

You cutting down on tools Fends?

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Guest ducunti

So what end of the age spectrum are we talking then Bronski, a few of Grumps mates who are too busy dribbling, looking for their teeth and shitting their undies or opposed too busy dribbling due to a having a dummy in their gob.

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