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Bernard Matthews


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Its a little known fact but this cunt had a serious Turkey fetish. He married back in 1952 to a woman that looked a bit like a turkey although she never confessed to any involvement in the turkey scandal the circumstantial evidence against her was overwhelming. For many years he and his wife lived in the grounds of Witchingham Hall where all sorts of depraved acts were committed against many poor unsuspecting turkeys, he also had a villa in St Tropez but not much is known about the goings on over there. if you ever had a bernard matthews Turkey Breast Roast in the 80's then you would have had a bit of the old "Bootiful real Bootiful" too as the dirty bastard would personally spunk in each and every one of the turkeys before they where slaughtered. Matthews was also a greedy cunt with a multi-million fortune estimated at well over

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