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Modern Porn


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Pachanga 2 got me thinking on a previous thread about the current state of todays porn. It's all arse to mouth fucking, fake tits, blowing on faces, perfectly bald boxes with not a trace of an imperfection and totally unbelievable. I sat next to two giggling young lasses at a coffee shop this morning and was expecting a mind blowing threesome based on how most porn plots would have me believe only to find myself locked up for pistol whipping said lass with my cock and dribbling in her latte . The officer didn't believe me when I said I was simply following the script and an orgy was going to result from my actions. Is it too fucking hard to make porn that is slightly believable or achievable to the everyday lad instead of this plastic rubbish that is so stereotyped it has lost its way and is now boring.

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