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Tom Daley


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48 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

He’s really got your number, Roops. Such a lengthy retort and need to explain yourself. You’ve been done up like a kipper you daft cow. The humiliation.

Talking abject bollox clearly a requirement to being a snide-piece these days...

Stay warm!

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20 hours ago, Decimus said:

You're clearly a scumbag who lives in the North West, probably Warrington or St Helens.

Runcorn would be my bet Decs. The toxic fumes from all those chemical plants are well known to cause the sort of insanity he displays every time he futilely attempts to join a conversation. I bet he’s got 3 ears and a traffic cone shaped cranium too.

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10 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I will be away until Saturday .. doing a journey of a lifetime .. meeting my bro-in law at Crewe and then overnight sleeper (separate cabins :) )to Inverness and then another train to Thurso!

Try sticking your daft head out the window as far as you can, to get a better view when you’re approaching a tunnel.

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35 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

A fortnight with @Eddie & his charcoal sausage & you’re squealing like a good ‘un. Cape Verde was it? Race-traitor harlot…that’ll learn you.

Barry Island. Probably turned up with a 1996 voucher from the Sun for Butlins and spent two weeks driving around lost through the enormous maze of nondescript, identical Bovis Starter Homes, all occupied by obese, crazy eyed ginger Taffs and their hideous alien looking children. She probably felt quite at home tbf. Not sure about Eddie though.

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On 14/11/2023 at 18:06, Frank said:

I know I am, raasters. Sobriety is not for me.. no sir. 

Frank, do you remember the brand Chevignon? I used to wear some of their clothing back in the day and after a quick Google search I've found this rather nice leather jacket...


What do think about it?

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11 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Frank, do you remember the brand Chevignon? I used to wear some of their clothing back in the day and after a quick Google search I've found this rather nice leather jacket...


What do think about it?

A genuine Chevignon was out of my reach. I made do with a knock-off patchwork copy from Wembley market. 

I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned my watch collection on these pages. There’s not much I don’t know about a classic timepiece. 

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50 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Have you ever known anyone to actually utilise them? To be fair, 90% of expensive watches have never even been used to tell the time, let alone calculate the dwell angle of Jupiter.

Less is definitely more. Likewise, anyone who actually takes their solid gold "dive watch" underwater is a fucking moron. 


This overwrought abomination from Richard Mille, for example, costs almost £750,000 and you can hardly even see its fucking hands!

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39 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Have you ever known anyone to actually utilise them? To be fair, 90% of expensive watches have never even been used to tell the time, let alone calculate the dwell angle of Jupiter.

Rather like most of the Leica camera owners who simply buy each model as it come along but rarely if ever use them. I know someone who recently paid around 5,000 quid but so far hasn't used it and probably ver will as he is now talking of buying the monocrom one.

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8 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

Rather like most of the Leica camera owners who simply buy each model as it come along but rarely if ever use them. I know someone who recently paid around 5,000 quid but so far hasn't used it and probably ver will as he is now talking of buying the monocrom one.

Absolutely riveting.

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Less is definitely more. Likewise, anyone who actually takes their solid gold "dive watch" underwater is a fucking moron. 


This overwrought abomination from Richard Mille, for example, costs almost £750,000 and you can hardly even see its fucking hands!

Well that's fascinating, Cuntybaws, is this your attempt to raise the currently awful (in your opinion) Corner standards?

In your case, perhaps less is more. Lol.

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28 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

On a semi-related note, you seem to have taken a general critique very personally for some reason. Why might that be?

I have, Scotch Egg, it's all well and good to come steaming in with your disrespectful observations of the Corner but you have to show the 'worst commenters' how's it done after making such a bold statement, wouldn't you agree? 

I think you have failed so far in this regard and are now being monitored. I'm expecting some top quality material from such a seasoned veteran like yourself over the next few weeks and I don't want to be let down. 

Is that understood?


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