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Tom Daley


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10 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

A would suggest that it might be better for you to find a quiet little job somewhere where people will just see you as an unthinking but harmless buffoon .. if you are in business you need to keep you big stupid gob shut because one wrong word can bring everything crashing down.

How’s your sister, Lazarus keeping?

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

I've never been to Llandudno


2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

a place which climbs into a coffin for six months of the year amidst relentless rain & storms.



So what you're saying is neither of you have ever stepped foot in North Wales? Just made up bollocks about weather and climate when N.Wales in general has a more humid climate and more sunny days than whatever depressing south east england dystopias you both come from. It goes without saying that most of wales is a more desirable place to live than fucking england too.





If this was in the south of england or near London it would be a dirty, run down, crime ridden shit heap full of grooming gangs, general scum murdering people with knives/machetes and mentally ill, screeching middle class SJW faggots with pink hair. Fuck off.

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20 hours ago, LastoftheMullets said:




So what you're saying is neither of you have ever stepped foot in North Wales? Just made up bollocks about weather and climate when N.Wales in general has a more humid climate and more sunny days in general than whatever depressing south east england dystopias you both come from. It goes without saying that most of wales is a more desirable place to live than fucking england too.





If this was in the south of england or near London it would be a dirty, run down, crime ridden shit heap full of grooming gangs, general scum murdering people with knives/machetes and mentally ill, screeching middle class SJW faggots with pink hair. Fuck off.

If I'm not mistaken, you present evidence in a photo with people in short sleeves and pink buddleia, which flowers in Jul-Sep. So it's right in the heart of summer. Note I said "a place which climbs into a coffin for six months of the year".

I've never thought of you as the brightest of cunts, Erroreptile.

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Based upon the evidence, and the fact that in a civil court the burden of proof is on a balance of probabilities and not beyond reasonable doubt... Too fucking right he, me, and anyone else on here would.

You lying, despicable fucking cunt.

Someone on here and does know re my sisters and doubtless has the ability to double check on that and I have reason to believe that you have been warned. I do suspect that you have likely messaged Wolfie to stir the pot and he has fell into the trap. I really do not know what you motivations .. perhaps it might be an early sign of memory loss and the resulting confabulation. I would advise you to keep away from recreation drugs and alcohol

The best thing for you would be keep your nose out and mind your own affairs just in case someone realises that you are just a crackhead who is losing his mind.

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16 minutes ago, LastoftheMullets said:




So what you're saying is neither of you have ever stepped foot in North Wales? Just made up bollocks about weather and climate when N.Wales in general has a more humid climate and more sunny days in general than whatever depressing south east england dystopias you both come from. It goes without saying that most of wales is a more desirable place to live than fucking england too.





If this was in the south of england or near London it would be a dirty, run down, crime ridden shit heap full of grooming gangs, general scum murdering people with knives/machetes and mentally ill, screeching middle class SJW faggots with pink hair. Fuck off.

Give it a rest Reptyle, you Minecraft playing, chip on his malnourished shoulder, northern fucking peasant.

I didn't denigrate Llandudno, which you would know if you didn't immediately rage quit before reading all of my post. Wipe up the Mountain Dew and Cheetos that you've spat over your keyboard in a fit of autistic anger and pay attention.

You're clearly a scumbag who lives in the North West, probably Warrington or St Helens. A hatred of anything south of Leicester and a weird obsession with holidaying in North Wales pretty much confirms that you're a sink estate virgin who spent his formative years holidaying in Rhyl alongside every other 'Sun' voucher hoarding, backward, wife-beating, northern Neanderthal.

Let us not forget, that under your old Reptyle moniker you once claimed to be part of a fictitious northern elite because you looked out of your council house window one day to see that your neighbour had recently purchased a twenty year old Honda Prelude.

By the way, how is the law case going? I haven't received my subpoena yet for suggesting that you and the rest of your 20-30 something year old gang of Pokemon-Go weirdos are hugely suspect sickos that need closely watching.


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8 minutes ago, LastoftheMullets said:




So what you're saying is neither of you have ever stepped foot in North Wales? Just made up bollocks about weather and climate when N.Wales in general has a more humid climate and more sunny days than whatever depressing south east england dystopias you both come from. It goes without saying that most of wales is a more desirable place to live than fucking england too.





If this was in the south of england or near London it would be a dirty, run down, crime ridden shit heap full of grooming gangs, general scum murdering people with knives/machetes and mentally ill, screeching middle class SJW faggots with pink hair. Fuck off.

The tramway is magic .. When I lived in Crewe I would often either catch a train or drive to Llandudno any month of the year and often even in December or January there would be mild sunny days. Generally Spring seems to come a couple of weeks earlier in that part of North Wales. Oddly I have always found the South East of England to be colder in Winter. There is no point in debating anything with Decco or Wiffy Wolfie as all they are interested in doing is shit storing and trolling ..  perhaps what they need to do is to visit Wales .. somewhere like Flint or Cwmbran and see how tough they are if they try it on some of the hard nut from those places .. as a BT copper once told me "they really can drink and fight". :)

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20 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

If I'm not mistaken, you present evidence in a photo with people in short sleeves and pink buddleia, which flowers in Jul-Sep. So it's right in the heart of summer. Note I said "a place which climbs into a coffin for six months of the year".

You've always been a thick fucking cunt, Erroreptile.

You really are a thicko .. it doesn't matter what time of the year the photo was taken. Why can't can't you  just stop trolling .. you have never got over DSMO falling flat on its face.

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3 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

If I'm not mistaken, you present evidence in a photo with people in short sleeves and pink buddleia, which flowers in Jul-Sep. So it's right in the heart of summer. Note I said "a place which climbs into a coffin for six months of the year".

I've never thought of you as the brighest of cunts, Erroreptile.

What you said is: 

"a place which climbs into a coffin for six months of the year amidst relentless rain & storms" despite you never actually visiting the place ever like most dickheads on the internet with a chip on their shoulder towards the Welsh and Wales. What's your huge hang up and insecurity with Llandudno and Wales anyway? 




In London and the south you actually would be climbing into a coffin, innit blud.

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26 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Give it a rest Reptyle, you Minecraft playing, chip on his malnourished shoulder, northern fucking peasant.

I didn't denigrate Llandudno, which you would know if you didn't immediately rage quit before reading all of my post. Wipe up the Mountain Dew and Cheetos that you've spat over your keyboard in a fit of autistic anger and pay attention.

You're clearly a scumbag who lives in the North West, probably Warrington or St Helens. A hatred of anything south of Leicester and a weird obsession with holidaying in North Wales pretty much confirms that you're a sink estate virgin who spent his formative years holidaying in Rhyl alongside every other 'Sun' voucher hoarding, backward, wife-beating, northern Neanderthal.

Let us not forget, that under your old Reptyle moniker you once claimed to be part of a fictitious northern elite because you looked out of your council house window one day to see that your neighbour had recently purchased a twenty year old Honda Prelude.

By the way, how is the law case going? I haven't received my subpoena yet for suggesting that you and the rest of your 20-30 something year old gang of Pokemon-Go weirdos are hugely suspect sickos that need closely watching.




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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

What the fuck is wrong with you? If you are going to go into business you will need to deal with your attitude problem .. all you will get from most of the people you think that are you friends on here is pisstaking when you fall flat on your face. Also why are you bringing my sisters into it (would you be prepared to accuse me of lying about my sisters cancer diagnose in a court of law?) are you really such a weak minded lowlife?

I’ll back you up here Pen, regarding the validity of your tragic loss. Only if you guarantee that whatever killed her, twice, is hereditary, slow and painful.

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2 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’ll back you up here Pen, regarding the validity of your tragic loss. Only if you guarantee that whatever killed her, twice, is hereditary, slow and painful.

What the fuck are you poking your nose in for get back to your imaginary one year old Bentley (or is now one year and two months old). One sister died at Arrowepark Hospital if that helps it was pancreatic cancer it was 5 weeks from diagnosis until she died .. the other died from a brain tumour she kept having falls bu would not see a doctor she then had a really bad fall and the ambulance was called she had left it too late for treatment and she had a lingering death and she in the fianal stages lost her mind and said all sort of weird things. I you find that amusing and worth joking about that is up to you I just would not wish what happened to them on anyone including you or anyone else on here.. as to me I am 71 years old and I am the youngest of eight children and there are two of us left, and I have health issues but people of my age tend to die sooner or later.

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5 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

What the fuck are you poking your nose in for get back to your imaginary one year old Bentley (or is now one year and two months old). One sister died at Arrowepark Hospital if that helps it was pancreatic cancer it was 5 weeks from diagnosis until she died .. the other died from a brain tumour she kept having falls bu would not see a doctor she then had a really bad fall and the ambulance was called she had left it too late for treatment and she had a lingering death and she in the fianal stages lost her mind and said all sort of weird things. I you find that amusing and worth joking about that is up to you I just would not wish what happened to them on anyone including you or anyone else on here.. as to me I am 71 years old and I am the youngest of eight children and there are two of us left, and I have health issues but people of my age tend to die sooner or later.

Crack on.

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27 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

What the fuck are you poking your nose in for get back to your imaginary one year old Bentley (or is now one year and two months old). One sister died at Arrowepark Hospital if that helps it was pancreatic cancer it was 5 weeks from diagnosis until she died .. the other died from a brain tumour she kept having falls bu would not see a doctor she then had a really bad fall and the ambulance was called she had left it too late for treatment and she had a lingering death and she in the fianal stages lost her mind and said all sort of weird things. I you find that amusing and worth joking about that is up to you I just would not wish what happened to them on anyone including you or anyone else on here.. as to me I am 71 years old and I am the youngest of eight children and there are two of us left, and I have health issues but people of my age tend to die sooner or later.

Same father?

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20 hours ago, Wolfie said:

You still haven't grasped the simple notion that people who demand the kind of salary or income you portray yourself to be worthy of attracting generally don't reside or wish to gather equity in the Llandudno area – (and notice I wrote 'area'), a place which climbs into a coffin for six months of the year amidst relentless rain & storms.

It seems a little odd that you were flown into three countries full to the brim with Muslims, each renowned for its sexist stance and general reluctance to treat women as equals, esp. with business. Even more odd, when thousands of airmiles, aviation fuel and money for your time/renowned expertise and expenses might have been saved by the struggling businesses via computers and live video link – a successful technology you're obviously familiar with, especially when you're engaging among politicians, business CEOs, and leading fox hunt saboteurs.

Oh I've grasped the entirely baseless notion you're trying to push. This has nothing to do with your bogus concern into how the site is run and everything to do with kicking the coals over some previous beef between you and I. Your post neatly encapsulates your own ignorance, insecurities, fears and prejudices.

The businesses I visited were manufacturing units where my employers (a private equity partnership) had either a controlling or significant interest of same. These were not some small mom & pop entities but substantial assets which were under-performing due to poor UK-based decision-making and coordination at director level management. Sorting that particular dog's breakfast wasn't going to be solved by Zoom meetings. One can't gauge factory floor morale by pointing a camera. The costs of my tour were pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. As for your ignorant assessment about countries full to brim with Muslims one of the countries (India) is officially secular, in fact secularism is enshrined in the country's constitution. In any case India has a Hindu majority. Dubai business is cosmopolitan and welcomes all faiths. In fact the admittedly autocratic authorities assists other faiths to flourish and financial assistance is available for the building of churches, temples, synagogues and mosques. Dubai needs business talent and if that means attracting other faiths then so be it. Turkey is developing into a manufacturing powerhouse. Some of you who are into boating will know that many luxury boat builders have moved their manufacturing base to Turkey. I've always found the Turks to be respectful and deferential. Muslims after all are pragmatic people.

I've never come across a "sexist stance and [a] general reluctance to treat women as equals, esp. with business" in countries "brimming" with Muslims. Its not Afghanistan after all. I have come across such stances and reluctance in the UK, interestingly enough not with the older or younger generations but with British men my own age who have realised they have missed the prosperity boat yet lack the wherewithal and fire to do anything about it. Ring any bells?  

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Oh I've grasped the entirely baseless notion you're trying to push. This has nothing to do with your bogus concern into how the site is run and everything to do with kicking the coals over some previous beef between you and I. Your post neatly encapsulates your own ignorance, insecurities, fears and prejudices.

The businesses I visited were manufacturing units where my employers (a private equity partnership) had either a controlling or significant interest of same. These were not some small mom & pop entities but substantial assets which were under-performing due to poor UK-based decision-making and coordination at director level management. Sorting that particular dog's breakfast wasn't going to be solved by Zoom meetings. One can't gauge factory floor morale by pointing a camera. The costs of my tour were pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. As for your ignorant assessment about countries full to brim with Muslims one of the countries (India) is officially secular, in fact secularism is enshrined in the country's constitution. In any case India has a Hindu majority. Dubai business is cosmopolitan and welcomes all faiths. In fact the admittedly autocratic authorities assists other faiths to flourish and financial assistance is available for the building of churches, temples, synagogues and mosques. Dubai needs business talent and if that means attracting other faiths then so be it. Turkey is developing into a manufacturing powerhouse. Some of you who are into boating will know that many luxury boat builders have moved their manufacturing base to Turkey. I've always found the Turks to be respectful and deferential. Muslims after all are pragmatic people.

I've never come across a "sexist stance and [a] general reluctance to treat women as equals, esp. with business" in countries "brimming" with Muslims. Its not Afghanistan after all. I have come across such stances and reluctance in the UK, interestingly enough not with the older or younger generations but with British men my own age who have realised they have missed the prosperity boat yet lack the wherewithal and fire to do anything about it. Ring any bells?  

He’s really got your number, Roops. Such a lengthy retort and need to explain yourself. You’ve been done up like a kipper you daft cow. The humiliation.

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16 hours ago, Decimus said:

Give it a rest Reptyle, you Minecraft playing, chip on his malnourished shoulder, northern fucking peasant.

I didn't denigrate Llandudno, which you would know if you didn't immediately rage quit before reading all of my post. Wipe up the Mountain Dew and Cheetos that you've spat over your keyboard in a fit of autistic anger and pay attention.

You're clearly a scumbag who lives in the North West, probably Warrington or St Helens. A hatred of anything south of Leicester and a weird obsession with holidaying in North Wales pretty much confirms that you're a sink estate virgin who spent his formative years holidaying in Rhyl alongside every other 'Sun' voucher hoarding, backward, wife-beating, northern Neanderthal.

Let us not forget, that under your old Reptyle moniker you once claimed to be part of a fictitious northern elite because you looked out of your council house window one day to see that your neighbour had recently purchased a twenty year old Honda Prelude.

By the way, how is the law case going? I haven't received my subpoena yet for suggesting that you and the rest of your 20-30 something year old gang of Pokemon-Go weirdos are hugely suspect sickos that need closely watching.


Fucking hell, are you related to Childe.

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