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Tom Daley


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1 minute ago, ZEV said:

I wouldn't worry about the Boys Club, they just got a bit upset about Fiddler, mainly because he was impervious to their usual attempts at intimidation.

Basically, they couldn't handle the boot being on the other foot, he was a horrible cunt who treated them with disdain, it's what most of 'em deserve, arrogant, narcissistic, nappy-wetting cunts.

I'm sure the chief mod has just sighed a huge relief knowing Rabbi Shit & Pen are right behind her.

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25 minutes ago, ZEV said:

I wouldn't worry about the Boys Club, they just got a bit upset about Fiddler, mainly because he was impervious to their usual attempts at intimidation.

Basically, they couldn't handle the boot being on the other foot, he was a horrible cunt who treated them with disdain, it's what most of 'em deserve, arrogant, narcissistic, nappy-wetting cunts.

It's not like you to defend a beast, R-Soles... Oh wait, yes it is.

You deeply, deeply sinister little freak.

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34 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Thanks for taking time out of your busy jet-set lifestyle to respond with such detail. And during business hours, too!

What did I say to you the other day about "dishing it out but not being able to take it"?

With reference to the 'chief moderator' quote, I said this because a) you obviously love the power, and b) without your input, as has been proven in the past fortnight, there's no one to moderate the site – leaving it open to "legally harming itself" at the hands of dickheads such as The Fiddler. As much as I like Spot, he's about as effectual as a fart in a hurricane.

While on the subject of egos, there's little doubt most successful contributors have one, for sure. Yours however is half the size of Jupiter. While I'm not immune to having one either, I think you'll find I've never disclosed what I do for a living, which property I own, or uploaded photos or footage of myself & home etc., which, from my perspective at least, is fairly fucking irrelevant.

As for your words "I think I last proffered an apology back in 2018, not that it did any good" – I think this speaks volumes about where the levels of our respective egos lie.

Stay kind.

You still haven't explained what living in Llandudno has to do with how the site is moderated. I thought your prime concern was the management of The Corner or perhaps there is something else going on with you?

As for Fiddler, no harm came to you, aside hurt feelings, and no harm, legal or otherwise, was done to the site as his entire discourse was removed together with his account. As for "loving the power" I made it quite clear that modding CC ranks pretty low in my list of priorities. Sorry that you're not important enough to be protected from another punter's words 24/7. 

I recently suggested that you run the vote of confidence. I'm really not fussed either way. Put up or shut up.

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37 minutes ago, ZEV said:

I wouldn't worry about the Boys Club, they just got a bit upset about Fiddler, mainly because he was impervious to their usual attempts at intimidation.

Basically, they couldn't handle the boot being on the other foot, he was a horrible cunt who treated them with disdain, it's what most of 'em deserve, arrogant, narcissistic, nappy-wetting cunts.

You sound like a man so downtrodden you have lost the fucking plot. Why are you giving advice to Mrs Roops? Like she needs the advice of a shit collector/enthusiast (remember the avatar she gave you lol)... She's an international business woman and I doubt if she'd even employ you to clean the curry smelling shit out of the 1 star hotel room she stayed in on her recent business trip to India. You stupid deluded fucking cunt. 

Fuck off. 

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13 minutes ago, Frank said:

I know I am, raasters. Sobriety is not for me.. no sir. 

You're clearly using the drink as some sort of self medication, what are you running away from or struggling to deal with, Frank.

Alcohol is a good Servant but a terrible Master. Pull yourself together man... You're most likely drowning your sorrows and slightly pissed so I'll let the lack of a capital R in Raasters go this time, if I catch you showing a lack of respect again (sober or pissed) I'll give you a serious hiding, is that understood? 


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37 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

You still haven't explained what living in Llandudno has to do with how the site is moderated. I thought your prime concern was the management of The Corner or perhaps there is something else going on with you?

As for Fiddler, no harm came to you, aside hurt feelings, and no harm, legal or otherwise, was done to the site as his entire discourse was removed together with his account. As for "loving the power" I made it quite clear that modding CC ranks pretty low in my list of priorities. Sorry that you're not important enough to be protected from another punter's words 24/7. 

I recently suggested that you run the vote of confidence. I'm really not fussed either way. Put up or shut up.

What are you doing on here this time of evening, Mrs Roops? Its usually a half an hour morning visit and that's it. What is this, overtime? I get it, you're putting an extra shift in to make up (and avoid apologising) for the Fiddler scandal but it's too little too late. 

What are you going to do about it?

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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Something that washes away spunk.

The worm is about as transparent as the wafer-thin, liver spotted skin on his shiny bonce. Clearly he's hoping for a Noakes style gotcha moment where he can ridicule me for suggesting a pint of room temperature Carling.

Stupid old bastard.

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5 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I'm in agreement with most of this. Your incredible egotism @Mrs Roops has again blinded you to some worthy points DC's raised, chiefly that it was he and myself who endured most of the rule-breaking abuse aimed at our wives/children etc. Yet the first thing you did to explain your absence was to ensure we all know how important & skilled you are, which is why you were allegedly headhunted and whisked away on a flight to sort out problems of failing businesses on a global scale. What a high opinon you have of yourself, lol.

The Llandudno area, being the greyest of places on the brightest of summer days, has nothing more to offer than below-to-average salaries heightened in tourist season. Hardly the choice of a Sir John Harvey-Jones business troubleshooting guru. How about a little self-effacement and modesty once in a while?

Granted, if this is true (and I'm not 100% convinced it is), then I too would fuck this place off and prioritise. But as chief mod you ought to also have had a contingency plan in place to ensure that vile, numerous rules-breaking, lawsuit-attracting, paedo-inferring arsewipes aren't allowed to run amok in your absence. Despite our spats, I've aways respected you as moderator (and commenter), looking upon your slutty, arrogant demeanour as a little bit tongue-in-cheek – though now I'm not so sure.

In your 50/60-something years of existence, have you ever displayed any degree of self-deprication, admitting your were wrong on just one occasion, or perhaps the odd "I'm sorry" or "I fucked up" etc."? We all make mistakes, which is precisely how we learn. But I don't need to tell you that, do I?


You have never been to Llandudno have you? Even on the dullest of days being a seaside town it is brighter that any inland district and indeed brighter than most other seaside towns .. in spite of it being some 200 miles North of Torbay it has a similar climate year round very similar to South Devon and the south coast of Kernow .. a trip up the Great Orme is invigorating at any time of the year .. I am sure that @Mrs Roops can advise you .. there are some cheap holiday parks not too far away Abergele  likely to be within your price range.

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

You have never been to Llandudno have you? Even on the dullest of days being a seaside town it is brighter that any inland district and indeed brighter than most other seaside town .. it spite of it being some 200 miles North of Torbay it has a similar climate year round very similar to South Devon and the south coast of Kernow .. a trip up the Great Orme is invigorating at any time of the year .. I am sure that @Mrs Roops can advise you .. there are some cheap holiday parks not too far away Abergele  likely to be within your price range.

I'm sure she'd make me feel welcome. Perhaps she'll flash her ginger fanny at me.

I've mentioned my part-Welsh ancestry here previously (my mother's parents were from Landudno, even though she didn't live there), as well as the fact I live in Devon.

You already know this because you haunt the site 24/7, and if you don't, then you don't pay attention because one of your testicles outguns your brain for girth and intellectual capacity.

Fuck off you loathesome, genuinely hateful, manipulative, PM'd the Fiddler, vulturish tranny cunt. Kill yourself.

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