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Tom Daley


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Just now, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Thomas The Cunt Engine/Cocky has tried to rejoin a dozen times since his latest ban, what a sad fucking twat... Lol. 

He stands out a mile under whatever guise he tries to hide under. I take great pleasure in knowing the clear turmoil you're going through mentally, only a total fruitcake would relentlessly troll a site like this. 

I hope the personal hell you're going through continues, forever. 



Do you fancy an eyeball, Raasters? I'll be over at Holland Park with the peacocks tomorrow after the march.

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40 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Good morning and welcome back Mrs Roops, after reading your response to the points @Wolfie has raised you (unsurprisingly) refuse to acknowledge any responsibility for the distress caused to the membership of late. You say your absence is of no concern to Wolfie, yet go into way too much and totally unnecessary detail describing your 'off to save to the world' international travels. Considering the shite that sick, pathetic and mentally ill bastard Cocky has caused of late, I think it's only fair you provide proof of your international travels and relevant COVID travel passes to prevent a full scale revolt from the membership. 

An apology is the least I expect. 


I think that she was feeling unappreciated and created the Fiddler to show us how bad things could get if she wasn’t here. Invent a monster, then ride in and slay it. Machiavellian politics 101. 

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59 minutes ago, Frank said:

Do you fancy an eyeball, Raasters? I'll be over at Holland Park with the peacocks tomorrow after the march.

Will you be hiding in the bushes, wig on, applying the Geese chasing tips @Witheredscrote has taught you, in the hope of giving a Peacock some Frank cock? I'll pass, thanks... besides, I've just got back from the Dentists, had two fillings and I look like I've had a stroke and had a load of Botox afterwards, mouths all swollen and dropping down one side. I'll be relaxing in the west country flat for the weekend, fresh air, good food and maybe a stroll along the river Frome. 


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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I think that she was feeling unappreciated and created the Fiddler to show us how bad things could get if she wasn’t here. Invent a monster, then ride in and slay it. Machiavellian politics 101. 

I offered to buy some used knickers off her last year. If that doesn't show appreciation, I don't know what does. 

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

FYI, Ol' Cocky has made about a dozen attempts to get back in post-expulsion, all of them without success. Without going into technicalities, its actually fairly easy for certain undesirables to slip in under the radar but once exposed are removed.

I have to say that despite your bouts of synthetic bonhomie you're actually an unpleasant piece of work who clearly has issues.

My absence is of no concern to you, needless to say no bereavement, illness etc was involved. Quite simply, and at short notice, I've been flitting between Turkey, Dubai and India clearing up a mess caused by my employer's Group COO (Chief Operating Officer). Strange as it may seem but sorting out a bunch of overgrown children at The Corner ranks pretty low in life's priorities so I suggest you hold your "vote" as I'm really not that fussed.

I see you've typically responded well to criticism, choosing to have a personal swipe at me rather than acknowledging your much-missed absence with an apology. After all, you're the Corner's self-appointed moderator who loves to govern the site with the heaviest hand.

I'm unquestionably an 'unpleasant piece of work', especially when I visit these hallowed pages to let off a bit of steam. (That's when I'm not in Turkey, Dubai or India – obviously in demand and at such short notice, lol.)

You’re also in the criticism business and we all know how you just love to dish it out. I’ve been in this business for a long time too and as any adolescent knows if you dish it out, then you also have to be prepared to take it. You seem unfamiliar with this. I’ve been on the receiving end more times than you could imagine. And rightly so. But unlike you, I don’t expect to never be challenged.

Perhaps this is why you didn't cut the mustard as a dentist, instead letting your incredible arrogance blight any career progression, because right now you're coming across as a jumped-up dental hygienist who doesn't appear to know her molars from her arsehole.

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4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

the blatant leaderboard manipulation by Pen and yourself,

Aw, what's wrong, did the naughty man get to the top of the leader board, without any help from his imaginary, back-slapping, friends?

I got there, got the T-shirt and the screen-grab proof, it's a hollow victory, you still look like a bunch of sad cunts, even from that lofty height.


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52 minutes ago, ZEV said:

Aw, what's wrong, did the naughty man get to the top of the leader board, without any help from his imaginary, back-slapping, friends?

I got there, got the T-shirt and the screen-grab proof, it's a hollow victory, you still look like a bunch of sad cunts, even from that lofty height.


Did you actually top the leaderboard, ZEV? I thought you'd only managed 2nd place. Can you provide proof of this?

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10 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Did you actually top the leaderboard, ZEV? I thought you'd only managed 2nd place. Can you provide proof of this?

I was top for ten days after posting a mere 23 times whilst Zev had fired out 60+ posts of absolute fucking bilge and still could only manage second place. He may have briefly went top when I reduced my output down to 10 posts and he was on triple figures, I'm sure he's got a screenshot to confirm it if that's the case.

The sad, fucking cunt.

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19 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

He did for a few hours.


17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I was top for ten days after posting a mere 23 times whilst Zev had fired out 60+ posts of absolute fucking bilge and still could only manage second place. He may have briefly went top when I reduced my output down to 10 posts and he was on triple figures, I'm sure he's got a screenshot to confirm it if that's the case.

The sad, fucking cunt.

I remember him proudly posting his 2nd or 3rd place screenshot a short while ago, lol. He was totally oblivious to the fact he'd made a right cunt of himself by doing so and thought everyone would be impressed. He also ignored the fact that actually screenshotting his 'acheivement' makes him an even sadder cunt than he already appeared to be. @ZEV it's clear you wish you could have a normal existence here and not receive regular hidings but I don't think things will ever change for you. 

ZEV, I think most on here know that deep down in your (dog shit filled) gut that you wish you were dead. 




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4 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


I remember him proudly posting his 2nd or 3rd place screenshot a short while ago, lol. He was totally oblivious to the fact he'd made a right cunt of himself by doing so and thought everyone would be impressed. He also ignored the fact that actually screenshotting his 'acheivement' makes him an even sadder cunt than he already appeared to be. @ZEV it's clear you wish you could have a normal existence here and not receive regular hidings but I don't think things will ever change for you. 

ZEV, I think most on here know that deep down in your (dog shit filled) gut that you wish you were dead. 




It had nothing to do with pride. It was a glorious take-down of the smug cunt who said I'd never been there, the screen-grab proved otherwise.

It's clear, the liars in the little boys club are incapable of telling the truth, you bunch of sad fantasists.

Never mind, tomorrow's Saturday, time for your weekly circle-jerk 🔄 🥒💦


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1 minute ago, ZEV said:

It had nothing to do with pride. It was a glorious take-down of the smug cunt who said I'd never been there, the screen-grab proved otherwise.

It's clear, the liars in the little boys club are incapable of telling the truth, you bunch of sad fantasists.

Never mind, tomorrow's Saturday, time for your weekly circle-jerk 🔄 🥒💦


The question is, why did you screenshot it in the first place? Lol. 

Glorious take down? You deluded fucking idiot. 


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30 minutes ago, ZEV said:

It had nothing to do with pride. It was a glorious take-down of the smug cunt who said I'd never been there, the screen-grab proved otherwise.

It's clear, the liars in the little boys club are incapable of telling the truth, you bunch of sad fantasists.

Never mind, tomorrow's Saturday, time for your weekly circle-jerk 🔄 🥒💦


So, let me get this straight. You took a screenshot of the time you appeared fourth on the leaderboard during a week barely anyone else was posting, in anticipation that two years later someone would accuse you of being so shite that you've never been on it?



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34 minutes ago, ZEV said:

It had nothing to do with pride. It was a glorious take-down of the smug cunt who said I'd never been there, the screen-grab proved otherwise.

It's clear, the liars in the little boys club are incapable of telling the truth, you bunch of sad fantasists.

Never mind, tomorrow's Saturday, time for your weekly circle-jerk 🔄 🥒💦


Could you embarrass yourself more? Jesus fucking Christ.

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6 hours ago, Frank said:

Do you fancy an eyeball, Raasters? I'll be over at Holland Park with the peacocks tomorrow after the march.

Judging by the look of you, you're about as hard as Neil's cock when he's forgotten his Viagra en route to Skye. The "Old Man of Storr" indeed.

But then again, perhaps it is actually your intention to get Raaso onto his knees, you 5"6, Cuban-heeled, faggoty little white wine spritzer-drinking weasel.

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5 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I see you've typically responded well to criticism, choosing to have a personal swipe at me rather than acknowledging your much-missed absence with an apology. After all, you're the Corner's self-appointed moderator who loves to govern the site with the heaviest hand of all.

I'm unquestionably an 'unpleasant piece of work', especially when I visit these hallowed pages to let off a bit of steam. (That's when I'm not in Turkey, Dubai or India – obviously in demand and at such short notice, lol.)

You’re also in the criticism business and we all know how you just love to dish it out. I’ve been in this business for a long time too and as any adolescent knows if you dish it out, then you also have to be prepared to take it. Not for the first time, you seem to be unfamiliar with this. I’ve been on the receiving end more times than you could imagine. And rightly so. But unlike you, I don’t expect to never be challenged.

Perhaps this is why you didn't cut the mustard as a dentist, instead letting your incredible arrogance blight any career progression, because right now you're coming across as a jumped-up dental hygienist who doesn't appear to know her molars from her arsehole.

Sour grapes? .. Take it on the chin you little puff.

Have you had a nice day?

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15 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Judging by the look of you, you're about as hard as Neil's cock when he's forgotten his Viagra en route to Skye. The "Old Man of Storr" indeed.

But then again, perhaps it is actually your intention to get Raaso onto his knees, you 5"6, Cuban-heeled, faggoty little white wine spritzer-drinking weasel.

Penis envy .. do you drive a big car?

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

The question is, why did you screenshot it in the first place? Lol. 

Glorious take down? You deluded fucking idiot. 



1 hour ago, Decimus said:

So, let me get this straight. You took a screenshot of the time you appeared fourth on the leaderboard during a week barely anyone else was posting, in anticipation that two years later someone would accuse you of being so shite that you've never been on it?




1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Could you embarrass yourself more? Jesus fucking Christ.


Line 'em up, stand well back, wait for their overreaction. 

Do you want your nappies changing now, ladies?


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8 hours ago, Frank said:

Do you fancy an eyeball, Raasters? I'll be over at Holland Park with the peacocks tomorrow after the march.

Your latest Renfield is receiving the pasting of his life this evening and you're nowhere to be seen. Where's the aftercare?

Take your tap shoes off and stop fucking about, you negligent, twinkle-toed, Graham Stanier cunt.

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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Your latest Renfield is receiving the pasting of his life this evening and you're nowhere to be seen. Where's the aftercare?

Take your tap shoes off and stop fucking about, you negligent, twinkle-toed, Graham Stanier cunt.

Graham Stanier looked like Gary Glitter. Stupid little northern fucking cunt.

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