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"I was on my own in a cell........I couldn't see any of the other girls ........ I couldn't speak to anyone ....... I was terrified". Yes well, I gues that's what it's like in a Russian gaol, Luvvie. These "activists" got banged up for hijacking a gas platform in the Russian Arctic in september. They were apprehended at gun point and proudly and prissily marched off, full of righteous anger, to gaol. They're not so fucking cockahoop now are they? Yes, we know about the Arctic, Why aren't you hijacking Alaskan gas platforms? This is nothing new ... and do you know what the fucking wider world will do about your futile attention seeking? Fuck all, that's what. Your protest will be about as as effective as all the others. Perhaps if you had allowed the spetznatz to fucking shoot you, that might have been more effective. Preachy, self important cunts with half baked ideas.

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