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A cunty word used by cunts to describe other cunts who are so thick they don't even know they're being called cunts. It starts in school where you are lacking in "literary skills" (you can't read and write you moron) or "mathematical skills" (you can't add up to save your life you cretin) or "motor skills" (you fucking cack-handed spaz). You need to work on your "cognitive skills" (you are thick as shit, dumbarse) Then, as you move into adult life, you are lacking in "communication skills" (you are totally inarticulate you fuckwit) or "listening skills" (pay attention arsehole) or "fiscal skills" (your credit cards are maxed out shithead) or "organizational skills" (you can't get your lazy arse out of bed in the morning you loser). So you will need to develop "alternate skills" (thieving and benefit poncing you fucking waste of space). All in all you are sadly lacking in "social skills" (nobody likes you, so fuck off cunt). Cunts rule ok?

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