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Virgin Fucking Media


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These utter cunts riled the utter fuck right outta me recently. "Yes, Mr Coitus, we'll have you up and running in 6 days, as you're a valued customer". "Yeah, yeah, spare me your sweet-talking foreplay, Aftab, when's my fucking router arriving"? So to cut a long story short, the cunts were going to email all the details. "So, without having to state the fucking obvious, how exactly do I open the fucking email without internet access, smart-arse"? "Oh, it'll be in your inbox, perhaps your junk file"..."Get me your fucking supervisor, Sherlock". These fuckwits would be getting sacked left, right and centre if that comedy-bearded cunt Branson had an inkling how ineducably thick the wankers were. I even palmed one of them off with a "I'm losing money because you useless fucking tits haven't connected me" story. The bint (she called herself Sarah, although, let's face it, she's unlikely to have been a few hundred feet west of Hyderabad) who was dealing with me replied.."I know what it's like Mr Coitus, I used to be a businesswoman with deadlines"..."WHAT? You used to be a captain of industry and now you work in a fucking call centre, do you? Do me a fucking favour, nose-ring"...Cheeky cunt hung up on me. Mike Oldfield's a cunt.

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