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Geoffrey Bettly


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Geoffrey Bettley, 36, was sacked, given a police caution and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders' Register after admitting viewing sickening images over several years. But a professional conduct panel said the married RE teacher could return to the classroom because of his 'excellent teaching'. A senior official, acting on behalf of Education Secretary Michael Gove, rubber-stamped the decision, saying there was a 'need to be proportionate'. Just when you think you've heard it all and yet somehow I'm still shocked by this, the UK keeps on sinking. Even more shocking is no one will do anything about it, most if not all will shake their heads when they hear about this in the paper/on TV. Its time we all started writing to our MP's and various ministers (both junior & senior) and the Secretary of State and even the PM. Also start a e-petition online using the HM Gov website so this might get debated in parliament. It's time to stand-up together

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