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A1 lorry drivers


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What a bunch of cunts. Thanks to you mind numbed shitheads my weekend journey took an extra couple of hours. You might outwit someone with a brain but try and pass one of these unpredictable open mouthed sloths. Fucking wandering all over the road with the speciality act of overtaking an even slower cunt on a fucking hill so no fucker can get passed. You really get off on that one don't you cunts? Bet you have a phone showing porn in one hand with that thing resembling an acorn that you call a cock in the other. Well now that I know your away I've been round your house, given your wife the seeing to of her lifetime (because your so fucking lard arse fat you can't get your dick anywhere near) over the back of your favourite chair and sprayed her tonsils. How's that for an overtaking manoeuvre you A1 cunt?

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