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People who say "haitch"


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The eighth letter of the English alphabet H is pronounced AITCH not HAITCH you moronic cunts. I used to have a bank manager who answered the phone "hello HAITCH SBC, can I help you?" "Yes, for starters you ignorant cunt, you can learn how to speak correctly, and secondly you can put me through to someone else who isn't a retard!!" CUNTS!!!

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  • 10 years later...
8 minutes ago, Redacted said:

Only thick southern wankers say "aitch" just like thick southern wankers always say "you was" when the correct grammar is" you were".

Just because you were raised in a pigsty where the local savages confused the correct pronunciation of the letter 'H' doesn't mean that a few thousand, thick, northern wankers are right and the majority of the English speaking world is wrong.

Haitch indeed. Idiot.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Just because you were raised in a pigsty where the local savages confused the correct pronunciation of the letter 'H' doesn't mean that a few thousand, thick, northern wankers are right and the majority of the English speaking world is wrong.

Haitch indeed. Idiot.

I is a fick suvern wankah innit brav! 


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12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Yet another faux pas. An article which pretty much confirms that only thick, fucking oiks pronounce it as haitch. 

You really are the gift that keeps on giving.

It pretty much confirms that only thick council house dwelling southerners pronounce it as 'aitch' under the misguided delusion speaking like a prick with a mouth full of Abduls cock is the correct way of speaking 😂

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7 minutes ago, Redacted said:

It pretty much confirms that only thick council house dwelling southerners pronounce it as 'aitch' under the misguided delusion speaking like a prick with a mouth full of Abduls cock is the correct way of speaking 😂

Considering you are barely literate and incapable of understanding even the most basic tenets of the English language, it comes as no surprise that you have yet again made a tit out of yourself by misinterpreting something you thought would be your 'gotcha' moment.

As I said, the gift that keeps on giving.

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14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Considering you are barely literate and incapable of understanding even the most basic tenets of the English language, it comes as no surprise that you have yet again made a tit out of yourself by misinterpreting something you thought would be your 'gotcha' moment.

As I said, the gift that keeps on giving.


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10 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's aitch, fucking AITCH!

Source: being forced to listen to the fucking alphabet song a million times a day. Are you saying Mr Tumble is a cunt? Are you calling MS FUCKING RACHEL a cunt?

I obviously knew that I could count on you to be enraged by such an outstanding lack of comprehension. What I'm utterly depressed by is the fact that it didn't really trigger anyone else.

Either every other member logged in this evening has a lackadaisical attitude when it comes to the written and spoken word, or far worse, they didn't even realise that it was wrong.

Regardless, we're clearly in the end times.

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13 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Either every other member logged in this evening has a lackadaisical attitude when it comes to the written and spoken word, or far worse, they didn't even realise that it was wrong. 

You're just lucky I happened to be passing tonight. The pearls-to-swine ratio is all to fuck on here recently, and I increasingly can't be arsed wading through the deluge of inanity from Pen and And in the hope of finding a nugget of sweetcorn in among the shit.

On the plus side, good to see @nocti and @southerncunt contributing, and the mighty ratcum/jellytot/stampsonkittens has ramped up production recently too. Just need to get @Rev to log in more than once a quarter and there's hope for us yet.

Hell, even @ChildeHarold hasn't been totally fucking useless of late which probably means, as you say:

18 minutes ago, Decimus said:

we're clearly in the end times.

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11 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

You're just lucky I happened to be passing tonight. The pearls-to-swine ratio is all to fuck on here recently, and I increasingly can't be arsed wading through the deluge of inanity from Pen and And in the hope of finding a nugget of sweetcorn in among the shit.

On the plus side, good to see @nocti and @southerncunt contributing, and the mighty ratcum/jellytot/stampsonkittens has ramped up production recently too. Just need to get @Rev to log in more than once a quarter and there's hope for us yet.

Hell, even @ChildeHarold hasn't been totally fucking useless of late which probably means, as you say:

Who buys your clothes? 

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