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My knees


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  • 6 years later...

My cunt breed of a neighbour has plastic knees installed by NHS - I reckon they are seconds.


Her face looks like a blown up piece of vomited, dog shit studded with peanuts - she ain't a looker is what I am trying to say. Her hubby too was hit by the ugly stick, his face looks like a furry bumhole  -  😤 that's just done a 'dropping', that stinks of oven cleaner.

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25 minutes ago, ProfB said:

My cunt breed of a neighbour has plastic knees installed by NHS - I reckon they are seconds.


Her face looks like a blown up piece of vomited, dog shit studded with peanuts - she ain't a looker is what I am trying to say. Her hubby too was hit by the ugly stick, his face looks like a furry bumhole  -  😤 that's just done a 'dropping', that stinks of oven cleaner.

That's horrid, Prof. I'm sure you've also drawn to the same conclusion as myself in regards to her knees being knackered because he's got her on all fours every night, pounding away at her wrinkly arse with only a few bricks to separate you from the action. Just think, they've probably done it in your back garden too. When you're asleep in bed. You might want to throw out any clothing you've left out on the line over the years just to be safe.

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4 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

That's horrid, Prof. I'm sure you've also drawn to the same conclusion as myself in regards to her knees being knackered because he's got her on all fours every night, pounding away at her wrinkly arse with only a few bricks to separate you from the action. Just think, they've probably done it in your back garden too. When you're asleep in bed. You might want to throw out any clothing you've left out on the line over the years just to be safe.

OMG - that makes so much sense.

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On 11/08/2014 at 17:33, cuntspotter said:

I find an hour of furiously dancing the Charleston , daily, keeps my knees perpetually on the brink of disintegration.

I could send a couple of fellas round to yours if you want Spot. They’re knee specialists. They'll make the problem (both of them) go away before you can say ....’What aboot ye lads.’

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Spotto, rather than you lot worrying about knees I would have thought your top boffin scientists are frantically running scenarios to determine if this monkey pox virus that your dirty lot have brought into the UK can actually be transmitted to sheep via the male genital to arsehole route 

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What would i not give to hear Harry Kane`s ACL give out a massive crack as he bent down to take the knee. I swear, before a ball is kicked...i`d sponsor an African donkey but we`re already been doing that at Newcastle for a while. Get stuffed Home Nations, spineless cucks the lot of them. 

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On 11/06/2021 at 06:02, Cunty BigBollox said:

Spotto, rather than you lot worrying about knees I would have thought your top boffin scientists are frantically running scenarios to determine if this monkey pox virus that your dirty lot have brought into the UK can actually be transmitted to sheep via the male genital to arsehole route 

I think Withers is probably the man, if man’s the right word to answer any questions concerning inter species disease transmission, with a greater degree of accuracy. No particular reason, I just think he  might know a lot about these things.

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