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Accidently Tasering a Blind Man


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A police force has apologised after an officer used a Taser on a blind man whose white stick was mistaken for a sword. Colin Farmer, 61, was stunned by police following reports of a man walking through Chorley with a samurai sword. Ch Supt Stuart Williams, of Lancashire Police, said the force had "deep regrets" and had "clearly put this man through a traumatic experience". Mr Farmer was taken to hospital for treatment and later discharged. "It felt like I was grabbing an electricity pylon," he said. Mr Farmer, who has suffered two strokes, said he thought he was being attacked by thugs. He was walking to a pub to meet friends on Friday when the officer fired the Taser. It forced him to drop his stick and he fell to the ground, he said. He said the experience had left him "shaking like a leaf" and scared to go outside. I fucking despair.

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