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Michael Gove


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Michael Gove is a cunt for scrapping the EMA grants to children of less well off families. These grants have helped children travel to secondary schools where no school bus is available and buy books and other necessary materials. They have been able to continue with their education. This would not have been possible without the Education Maintainance Allowance, or EMA, Michael Gove has decided to scrap. Other measures have been introduced but with no new money on the table and funds being redistributed across the board, the poorest pupils, those who have most to gain from a good education are losing out.

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  • 11 months later...

Michael Gove..... Cunt with broken foot moaning about the X-ray dept of his local hospital being shut on a Sunday. Hey , Mike, Running departments seven days a week costs money...... Money the hospital doesn't have. I understand he was too busy to attend on Monday....... Well, it obviously doesn't hurt then........ NEXT!


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I helped out assessing EMA grants on a part time night shift many years ago, when Capita couldn't handle the sheer amount of applications and I fancied the extra income. Made me feel good doing that, and I received some bloody lovely letters from people at a few points. You should've seen some of the cheeky rich bastards trying to get some though. Why would you want an extra 20 quid a week when you're earning money that would make the Royal Family envious? 

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  • 7 months later...

A stupid cunt of the first order . His latest statement as Justice Secretary is ' Ideally all prisoners should have their own cell '. Well you soft scabby cunt I happen to think that people who are law abiding taxpayers should have their own homes , granny should have her hip replacement done now and not in 1 years time , peados should be shot , the public should be better served by the police .   I don't give a fuck if law breakers live 10 to a cell and get arse fucked all night. The sick joke is this type of cunt is in a position of some power.

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Guest Snatch
7 hours ago, Properkhunt said:

Interesting. I always use know nothing cunt. I suppose that makes me a know nothing cunt who knows nothing about no nothing cunts not being know nothing cunts and makes me a know nothing cunt about no nothing cunts being no nothing cunts. Thus I must be a know nothing, no nothing, know nothing cunt, no nothing cunt. At least I hope I am.

You can't be a know nothing cunt if you know you are a know nothing cunt as you know.............oh fuck off.

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