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Scottish Independance


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Glasgow voted yes, seeing as the place is full of neds on British taxpayers money perhaps we should grant the city it's wish and wall it off. It could be like a polar opposite of Monte Carlo, with drunk chavs fighting each other 24/7. We could even televise the action with CCTV, it'd be much better than big brother.

That was Glasgee .. Glasgow voted no.

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I'm a sad git and checked some of the votes in detail on the BBC site. Interesting that Aberdeen City (58.61% No) and Aberdeenshire (60.36% No) are Salmond's stomping ground and they didn't agree with him.


Gracious of him to agree to abide by the decision of the people of Scotland "for the time being". The cynical part of me wonders if Salmond ever really wanted full independence as the incentives offered to the Jocks almost amount to "DevoMax" which I suspect was his real aim all along. Now we just need the House of Commons to reject the necessary legislation to enable it to annoy the tub of lard even further.


I'm in agreement with Cameron that there is a chance to change the UK for the better. We could start by kicking him out of office at the next election.

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Going to be a " NO" - its only those fucking braveheart fucking idiots in kilts etc shouting the loudest - the "NOs" are quiet assassins. I was in Glasgow last week, and I was astounded by the ignorance of the pro independence lot. They could give me no other reason than to bemoan Westminster. Well. they have 59 MSP's who sit in Westminster, who will still be doing fuck all in Edinburgh if they win. The government aren't to blame for everything. Maybe if the twats I spoke to got off their lazy fucking fish supper and pudding supper laden fat arses they would be in a better position. Pricks..........ah, that feels better.

Fucking told you, you pro independence cunts. Well done for that insight Jacko, you big cocked stud.

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... We can all argue about this until the cows come home, but listening to the vast majority of those who voted YES, they hate the fact that they are being ruled by the cronies in Westminster... But who is not? Most of us hate Cunt Cameron as much as they do, but he aint gonna be there forever and until we have a better system than the one that we have got, then?


The Scottish YES system, was not the answer.


One thing for certain perhaps, is come our next election, there are many up in Scotland who will say YES again to ridding this country of the fucking Tory's.  

And again, they all forget that it is Proportional Representation. The Scots have 59 MP's in Westminster who can vote on other British issues ! 

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  • 2 years later...
Guest Tata Steely Dan

This thread deserves a dusting off as Jimmy Crankie is threatening 'indy2' on the Scottish populous. Not content with failing to deliver on education, health or the emergency services, Nippy Sturgeon thinks that taxpayer's money is far better utilised in funding another pointless referendum. This time she's framing it by saying that the Brexit vote didn't represent the sovereign will of the Scottish people, so to preserve our sovereignty and sense of national pride she will keep us part of the Brussels machine when the rest of the UK leave.I find this an inherently paradoxical concept, and one that shows the anti-English attitude of the SNP somewhat transparently. I'm spurned into writing this because the soap-dodgers of the "Free Scotland" Facebook page decided to have a vote tonight and, surprisingly, came out in favour of independence. 

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Guest Lady Penelope
26 minutes ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

This thread deserves a dusting off as Jimmy Crankie is threatening 'indy2' on the Scottish populous. Not content with failing to deliver on education, health or the emergency services, Nippy Sturgeon thinks that taxpayer's money is far better utilised in funding another pointless referendum. This time she's framing it by saying that the Brexit vote didn't represent the sovereign will of the Scottish people, so to preserve our sovereignty and sense of national pride she will keep us part of the Brussels machine when the rest of the UK leave.I find this an inherently paradoxical concept, and one that shows the anti-English attitude of the SNP somewhat transparently. I'm spurned into writing this because the soap-dodgers of the "Free Scotland" Facebook page decided to have a vote tonight and, surprisingly, came out in favour of independence. 

I have been watching a few of these "scots" .. quite a few seem to come from a part of Scotland called "England" and live in places such as London, Kent and Sussex and have never been anywhere north of Watford in their lives.

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Guest DingTheRioja
36 minutes ago, Lady Penelope said:

I have been watching a few of these "scots" .. quite a few seem to come from a part of Scotland called "England" and live in places such as London, Kent and Sussex and have never been anywhere north of Watford in their lives.

It's too fucking bleak up there for them... unless... like the British Pakistanis who keep being vox-popped saying stuff like "we don't want any dirty immigrants coming to our Britain", they want to shut the doors to any more scots going darn sarf...?

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  • 2 years later...

Indyref2 next year then, according to Jimmy Crankie.

Let's hope the anaemic, ginger haired bastards vote yes this time so we can all see how an economy based solely on the sale of scotch, shortbread and the dregs from a few oil fields fares.

I'm sick of these wankers. Every SNP MP shouldn't be allowed to set for in England. All the sweaties have been sticking the boot into the English for aeons when we've been forking over cash ad lib to prop up their fucked up socialist economy.

Back in the day when England were shit at football I was quite supportive of the Scottish football team, as fellow Brits. Fuck the lot of you.

Careful what you wish for, you're going to reap what you sow when you cut off the tit you've been suckling from. Cunts.


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