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Gym Nazis


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Blokes of a certain vintage,you know how it goes. You're in the shower one day when you look down and realise with horror you can see less of your cock than previously. It can't of shrank-surely nature couldn't be so cruel. With a sense of relief you realise that it's the base of your faithful retainer that has disappeared under your booze swollen belly. But what to do? While accepting that doing so will register you on the Beaucunt scale you decide to join the sweaty mass of cunt gunge and sign up for the gym. Seasoned Cunt Spotters beware,these places are positively bursting with pudenda in extremis. Naturally gyms are forced by some obscure ancient law to play irritating dance music at ear-splitting volume. If I wanted to listen to a retarded cunt hitting a fucking biscuit tin I'd invent a time travel machine,go back to the age of eighteen,move to Ibiza and change my name to Cunto. As for the clientele, most of these fucknuts conduct conversations with one another while looking at themselves in the mirror. Listen you Jupiterous cunts,you don't look any different to how you looked the last time you checked yourself out a whole three seconds ago. Want to use a machine one of these simian cunts is sat on talking to his mate about a fight he saw last Friday ? Better hope this protein soaked cunt hasn't got a roid rage attack due. One lard arsed cuntette was on the rowing machine reading a book. If it was a self help manual I suspect it wasn't entitled "How To Be A Cunt". The way she'd crammed her pock marked barrage ballon of an arse into her leggings suggested quite strongly she is already a leading authority on being a cunt. The staff are barely functioning cunts and one of them spent so long mopping the changing room floor he's almost certainly a cock watcher. I think I'll stick to hill walking and attempting to avoid the rapists.

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