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Cunts who claim they are "1/4" something, get offended yet know fuck all about it, whatever it is!


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So on holiday a few weeks ago me and Mrs Furio were sat with her grandparents and her brother and his bird back at the holiday Villa enjoying some cheap booze. We were messing about with an iPad and took pictures of each other and used an app that can fuck about with the picture e.g. change facial features etc... So we took a picture of my brother-in-laws bird and we stretched her face about and gave her a massive nose (you can see where this is going can't you). I was a bit pissed and like a cunt stupidly said "fucking hell, look at that Jew nose" only to be met by a gasp from his bird and my brother in law to have a look of shock on his face. He said "you do realize that **** is Jewish". I thought they were joking but soon realized they were not joking and what a massive faux pas I had just made. I asked her "really?" and she replied "Yes" with an offended tone to her voice but then added this Gem..."well, only 1/4 Jewish" to which I stupidly tried to defuse the situation and said "Oh well, I've only offended 1/4 of you then!" (this didn't go down well either) Any way the next day I sobered up, remembered what a cunt I had been and decided to apologize to which she thankfully duly accepted. In a vain attempt to build some bridges I asked if she read the Torah much or visited her local synagogue to which she replied "what are those then?" (I kid ye not) WHAT A FUCKING CUNT, YOU FUCKING WHORE, YOU HAD ME ALL WORRIED THAT I HAD OFFENDED YOU WITH A COMMENT THAT I READILY ADMIT WAS CUNTISH AND YOU FUCKING CLAIM TO BE 1/4 JEWISH AND ACT ALL HURT YET YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE WHAT JUDAISM IS NOR DO YOU ACTUALLY PRACTICE IT. YOU FUCKING DUMB, CLUELESS BROAD. FUCK OF YOU CRETIN AND EDUCATE YOURSELF! Rant over.

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