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injury lawyers 4 you


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These parasites are advertising constantly looking to snare a clumsy halfwit that has slipped on a wet floor or fell off a ladder. What ever happened to personal responsibility? These days if you are a complete moron and hurt yourself through lack of care or planning someone else is to blame. No wonder our insurance premiums are rising, ban these no win no fee cunts.

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Nothing against those leeches. At least you know who you are dealing with, unlike fucking politicians, Rotheram council and other assorted wankers.

Remember a lot of politicians started off as Lawyers, realised they could be even bigger cunts in government. 

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Guest nobgobbler

The worst ones are the cunts who ring up while you're eating or dinner or having a shit. You dash to the phone only to find a bile inducing scouse thieving liar on the line telling you that you or someone in your household has recently had an accident. One a week on average. They must enjoy getting a regular cunting from Mrs Gobbler.

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The worst ones are the cunts who ring up while you're eating or dinner or having a shit. You dash to the phone only to find a bile inducing scouse thieving liar on the line telling you that you or someone in your household has recently had an accident. One a week on average. They must enjoy getting a regular cunting from Mrs Gobbler.

It's not to late to claim you ppi back, fuck off 

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A friend of mine was in a accident, however was not injured, mysteriously more than one, no fee claim companies managed to obtain his mobile phone number and bombard him with calls. When he told them he did not need hospital treatment and was not injured, he was advised to go to the hospital anyway, as he could claim a payout. When he told them he wasn't hurt or interested they become aggressive, these no fee cunts should be banned and the dirt bags from the insurance companies selling details of people involved in accidents should be prosecuted. Then and only then our insurance premiums may return to a acceptable level.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

There are companies who have software that mines data from available information that will be available under the freedom of information act. These companies search hospital A and E admissions, police information, insurance data etc etc. These cunts are responsible for selling that data to any tom, dick or cunt, who then call relentlessly. The software often fucks up giving false information which results in these cunts insisting you have had ppi, an accident or whatever.

I am afraid this is purely a product of the information age and will only get more frequent.

Cunts all of them.

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Guest Bill Stickers

The Germans have made cold calling illegal and actually enforce heavy fines on companies doing it, even if they are based outside of the country.

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